
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter

Urian International Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Jubilee Insurance Co. Ltd. - Q.B.D. (Com.Ct.) (Phillips J.) - 3 December 1990

This case involved a question of Construction of Order 11 Rule 1(i)(d)(ii) of the Rules of the Supreme Court, which provides: 1(i) . . . Service of a Writ out of the jurisdiction is permissible with the leave of the Court if in the action begun by..
Online Published Date:  15 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  290 - 15 December 1990

The Sylt - Q.B.D. (Adm. Ct.) (Sheen J.) -

27 November 1990 The defendant shipowners (a German company) carried the plaintiffs’ cargo from Antwerp to Freetown, Sierra Leone, on board the vessel Sylt . The bill of lading provided that any dispute should be decided in the country of the..
Online Published Date:  15 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  290 - 15 December 1990

Richco International Ltd. v. Bunge & Co. Ltd. (The New Prosper) - Q.B.D. (Com.Ct.) (Phillips J.) - 13 November 1990

The sellers contracted to sell a quantity of bulk Australian barley on f.o.b. terms. The contract (which impliedly incorporated provisions of the Australian Barley Board standard form) provided: 3. CARGO: 35,000 metric tons 5% more or less at..
Online Published Date:  15 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  290 - 15 December 1990

Freight Systems Ltd. v. Korea Shipping Corporation (The Korea Wonis-Sun) -

21 November 1990 In June 1987 Marianne Trading Ltd. of Hong Kong (“Marianne”) sold 9,900 cases of canned mushrooms to M. & R. Sales Corporation of Illinois. Marine instructed the plaintiff freight forwarders to arrange the shipment..
Online Published Date:  15 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  290 - 15 December 1990

Farr Man & Co. Inc. v. The Rozita - U.S. Court of Appeals (1st Circuit) (Coffin C.J. and Torruella and Selya C.J.J.) - 22 May 1990

Farr Man & Co. contracted to supply a quantity of bulk raw sugar to Amstar Corporation. The contract was a standardised Amstar form providing for payment on c.i.f. terms. The cargo was shipped on board the vessel Rozita in Bombay. Pursuant to..
Online Published Date:  15 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  290 - 15 December 1990

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