
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter

Rustal Trading Ltd v Gill & Duffus SA - QBD (Com Ct)(Moore-Bick J) - 13 October 1999

A dispute arose under a contract for the sale of a cargo of white crystal sugar c&f free out Karachi or Port Qasim. The contract provided for the vessel to be discharged within an agreed period and for demurrage to be paid by the buyer in..
Online Published Date:  09 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  524 - 09 December 1999

SK Shipping Company Ltd v BB Energy (Asia) Ltd - QBD (Com Ct)(Aikens J) - 15 September 1999

The claimants were the sellers of a cargo of gasoil to the defendant buyers. Under the sale contract the sellers were obliged to deliver the cargo FOB Nakhodka within the delivery period of 1 - 10 May 1996. In the event there was a delay in the..
Online Published Date:  09 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  524 - 09 December 1999

Abrar Surgery (Pvt) Ltd and Anr v MV ‘Jolly Oro’ and Ors - US District Ct (SDNY)(Mukasey DJ) - 4 May 1999

The plaintiff cargo owners sued the vessel Jolly Oro and others, including the carrier, for damages in respect of alleged cargo damage. The carrier applied to dismiss the proceedings pursuant to a forum selection clause which required that the..
Online Published Date:  09 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  524 - 09 December 1999

Groupama Navigation Et Transports and Ors v Catatumbo C A Seguros - QBD (Com Ct)(David Steel J) - 3 November 1999

The defendants were the hull and machinery insurers of a Venezuelan company (‘the shipowner’) in respect of a fleet of vessels. It was a term of the policy that the vessels should at all times be seaworthy, that there should be..
Online Published Date:  23 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  525 - 23 December 1999

Belships (Far East) Shipping (Pte) Ltd and Ors v Canadian Pacific Forest Products Ltd and Ors (The ‘Beltimber’) - Federal Court of Appeal (Stone, Linden and Letourneau JJA) - 10 June 1999

The claimant shippers sought to recover damages from the defendant shipowners and charterers for the loss of a portion of a cargo of lumber to be carried on the deck of the vessel Beltimber from British Columbia to Antwerp. The claimants alleged..
Online Published Date:  23 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  525 - 23 December 1999

Robalen Inc v Generale De Banque SA - US District Court (SDNY)(Griesa DJ) - 3 September 1999

The claimant, Robalen, was in the business of purchasing and selling yarns, fibres and plastic resins. On 19 March 1996 Robalen’s customer, Resilux NV, located in Belgium, opened an irrevocable letter of credit with Generale as the issuing..
Online Published Date:  23 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  525 - 23 December 1999

Comatra Ltd and Anr v Various Underwriters - QBD (Com Ct)(David Steel J) - 27 October 1999

As a result of a general average incident, the vessel ABT Rasha diverted towards Port Elizabeth as a port of refuge. Inspection at Algoa Bay made it evident that the vessel needed to be dry-docked. The cargo was transhipped to another vessel. Prior..
Online Published Date:  23 December 1999
Appeared in issue:  525 - 23 December 1999

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