
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter

CSL Australia Pty Ltd v Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd (The Goliath) [2024] FCA 824, Federal Court of Australia (Justice Stewart), 26 July 2024

Admiralty - Limitation of liability - Limitation of liability for wreck removal claims - Reservation against limitation of claims for the removal of wreck - Two tugs becoming wreck as a result of allision - Removal of wrecks by port authority - Contracts - Standard terms - Whether port's standard terms excluding right to limit liability for removal of wreck - Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976, articles 2(1)(a) and (d) - Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims Act 1989 (Cth)
Online Published Date:  11 October 2024
Appeared in issue:  1170 - 11 October 2024

London Arbitration 13/24

Bills of lading - Claims by consignee - Jurisdiction - Whether sole arbitrator properly appointed under arbitration clause incorporated from charterparty - Arbitration in Hong Kong SAR under LMAA Terms - Whether Hong Kong law precluded appointment of arbitrator first appointed when the respondent failed to make second appointment - Construction of arbitration clause comprising wording in standard form, rider, and recap - Costs
Online Published Date:  11 October 2024
Appeared in issue:  1170 - 11 October 2024

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