Litigation in the Technology and Construction Court
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The TCC and adjudication
9.1 The Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (‘the Act’) changed the landscape of construction dispute resolution beyond recognition. Many disputes, big and small, which otherwise would have been litigation through the TCC have been resolved through adjudication processes which, while non-binding, have led the parties to accept the result as a final decision, or arrive at settlement. While this has had the inevitable effect of reducing the number of substantive disputes being litigated, it also spawned a seemingly ceaseless flow of satellite claims relating to the enforcement of adjudication decisions, or disputes resulting from the payment process requirements of the Act. There are now over 600 cases which deal with adjudication, and countless articles and publications. This chapter is not intended as a substitute for more in-depth books,1 but rather focusses on the nexus between the Court function and adjudication.Before the adjudication
9.2 In adjudication, each side bears its own costs unless the parties agree otherwise. Obtaining an adjudication award which is not capable of being enforced is expensive. Some grounds to challenge a decision arise only from the conduct of the adjudication or from the decision, and can only really be dealt with by the Courts following the issue of the award. However, some grounds to challenge enforcement can be anticipated. In some circumstances, the referring party is able to prevent otherwise good enforcement points by obtaining agreement, either expressly or tacitly, so that the point does not survive. For example, if the contract specifies an incorrect appointing body or a defective procedure, the parties can obviously agree a particular course of action. It may be that by participating in a particular procedure without protest, a party is taken to have waived any jurisdictional challenge which might otherwise have existed. However, some potential challenges may not be overcome where one of the parties does not agree, or wishes generally to reserve its rights and await the outcome of the adjudication. The types of challenge which may exist in advance of the referral to adjudication include whether there is a ‘construction contract’ (the question may be whether a particular entity is a party to a construction contract, or whether the contract is a ‘construction’ contract for the purposes of the Act) or whether there is a dispute which has ‘crystallised’. 9.3 Taking the first of these examples – whether there is a construction contract to which the Act applies – a party will have to consider strategically the best course of action if there is dispute between the parties about the nature of the contract. If, for example, there is aPage 122
During the adjudication
9.5 In theory, it is open to a party to obtain injunctive relief to restrain the adjudication process once it has started on grounds which otherwise would give reason to refuse to enforce the decision (for example, where there is no construction contract or where the adjudicator has not been appointed properly). However, caution should be exercised: it is to be noted that injunctive relief is a discretionary remedy and therefore the existence of a potential ‘jurisdictional’ argument may not, of itself, be sufficient to persuade a Judge in the TCC to exercise that discretion. In Workplace Technologies Plc v E Squared Ltd,3 HHJ Wilcox held, in face of an argument that an injunction should be granted to prevent a potentially void adjudication procedure continuing, that the balance of convenience favoured allowing the adjudication process to continue. The Court considered that if it granted an injunction without determining the issue of the date of the contract (and whether the scheme for adjudication under the Act applied), then it inexorably followed that it may be interfering in a valid adjudication to its detriment, frustrating the statutory scheme of the giving of an early decision as to who shall hold the money pending litigation or arbitration. By contrast, if the defendant was right about the date of the contract, it would at the most mean that he or she was subjected to a pointless adjudication (which it could choose not to participate in, if it considered its arguments about validity sound), but in any event thePage 123
A referral to adjudication may be unreasonable (for example, if deliberately delayed until shortly before Christmas) without necessarily being oppressive. Alternatively, it may prove to be oppressive – perhaps because, unknown to the referring party, the relevant personnel within the responding party have just been posted abroad – without having been unreasonably started. Both elements must be present and, in my judgment, to a fairly high degree.