Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
Swedish maritime law 2000–2001
Hugo Tiberg *
1. The Maritime Code (MC 1994:1009) and consequential amendments
Chapters 2, 3 and 22 on vessel registry
The translated text appears on the Institute’s home page www.juridicum.su.se/transport. Ship, boat and shipbuilding registers are merged into one Vessel Register with a ship, boat and shipbuilding part, all transferred from Stockholm DC to the National Maritime Administration. The register is adjusted to EC Data Directive 95/46/EC and Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) on personal integrity and rectification of entries etc. Though not a court, the Authority is empowered to enforce certain duties by fines. Appeal lies to the Stockholm DC as a Maritime Court.
Ancillary amendments
Amendments (2001:377) to Act (1975:605) on Registry of Advances for Boat Buildings, with Ordinance (2000:817), Ordinance (2001:807) amending Vessel Register Ordinance (1975:827).
Amendments affect all seven chapters of the Ordinance. 1:1 makes the Maritime Administration Register Authority (also Instruction (1995:589) for the National Maritime Administration); 1:2–3 state the Register’s purpose and content; 1:5 and 5a provide fees; 1:8 regulates the List of Swedish Ships; Chaps 2 and 3 the Vessel Register’s ship and shipbuilding parts; Chap. 4 the boat part and boat certificates; Chap. 5 handling of registry matters and Register statements; Chap. 6 the issue of Certificates of Nationality for Ships; Chap. 7 information to other authorities and appeal to Stockholm DC. Amendments (2001:379) to Professional Boats Register Act (1979:377).