
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly

Corporate Morality and Commercial Maritime Contracts: Considering the impact of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Australia), s 52 on carriage of goods by sea

Kate Lewins *

The Trade Practices Act 1974 (Australia), s 52 prohibits a corporation from engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct. Its reach has extended beyond consumer transactions, to commercial and even, in some circumstances, international transactions. After providing an outline of s 52, this article looks at the circumstances in which the Trade Practices Act can apply to a contract of carriage that has a nexus with Australia, even if one or both parties are not based in Australia. The article reviews the potential impact of the Trade Practices Act on carriage contracts generally and the Hague/Hague-Visby limitations in particular .


Certainty is of great importance in carriage of goods by sea and other commercial maritime contracts. A complex web of interlinking contracts, Conventions and legal fictions underpin the relationships and liabilities of the various parties involved. It is a stated aim of the courts to interpret and enforce contracts and international Conventions1 in a manner that provides certainty in commercial circles.2 So it may come as a surprise that commercial contracts such as these, built on principles of lassez faire and interpreted by courts seeking to deliver commercial certainty, may be neutralized by an Australian statute whose aim is (in part) to encourage fair trade and develop corporate morality.

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