R. & H. HALL, LTD. v. W. H. PIM, JUNR., & CO., LTD.
(1928) 30 Ll.L.Rep. 159
Before Viscount Haldane, Viscount Dunedin, Lord Shaw, Lord Phillimore and Lord Blanesburgh.
Sale of goods-Breach-Measure of damages -Agreement by A to sell wheat c.i.f. to B-Subsequent string contracts B-C-D -Admitted failure of A to tender documents to B-Claim by B against A for damages representing loss of profit on resale and for indemnity against claims by C and D-Contemplation of parties when contract entered into - Finding of arbitrator that chances of resale by B or of B taking delivery about equal-Hammond v. Bussey, 20 Q.B.D. 79, discussed-London Corn Trade Association Australian Wheat Contract No. 12 as evidencing intention to resell - Application of rule in Hadley v. Baxendale.