
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1933) 47 Ll L Rep 69


Before Mr. Justice Branson.

Motor insurance-Third party risks- Claim by garage proprietor to be indemnified under his Class A policy -"Private purposes"-"The term 'private purposes' means social, domestic and pleasure purposes and use by the assured in person in connection with his business or profession. The term 'private purposes' does not include . . . any purposes in connection with the motor trade"-Breakdown of friend's car-Journey to scene in insured car to repair or otherwise deal with breakdown-Towage (without reward) of friend's car to more suitable spot in adjacent street-Third party injured by tripping over tow rope-Action brought against assured -Claim for declaration that assured was entitled to be indemnified under policy-Whether covered-Effect of Road Traffic Act upon limitation clause in policy-Road Traffic Act, 1930, Sects. 35, 36, 38

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