
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1937) 57 Ll.L.Rep. 18


Before Mr. Justice Singleton.

Docks Regulations, 1934-Safe means of access-Breach of statutory duty-Defendants' vessel bunkering at coal hoist-Provision of ladder in compliance with Regulation 9 (b)-Seaman, returning to ship, killed by fall from ladder-Claim by widow-"9. If a ship is lying at a wharf or quay for the purpose of loading or unloading or coaling, there shall be safe means of access for the use of persons employed at such times as they have to pass from the ship to the shore or from the shore to the ship as follows:-(a) Where reasonably practicable the ship's accommodation ladder or gangway or a similar construction. . . . (b) In other cases a ladder of sound material and adequate length which shall be properly secured to prevent slipping" - Whether reasonably practicable to have provided the ship's gangway- S.R. & O., 1934, No. 279.

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