
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1937) 57 Ll.L.Rep. 95


Before Lord Wright (Master of the Rolls), Lord Justice Romer and Lord Justice Scott.

Charter-patty-Shifting boards-Cost of provision, etc.-"(1) That the said owners agree to let, and the said charterers agree to hire the said steamship. . . . she being then newly painted, tight, staunch, strong, with clean and clear holds, and every way fitted to carry bulk and general cargoes . . . (4) Owners shall provide and pay for . . . all stores, and maintain her in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery, and equipment for and during the service with dunnage, mats, shifting boards (as far as on board) . . . (5) Charterers shall provide and pay for coals (except for cooking and heating), canal dues, port charges, pilotages, agencies, commissions, expenses of loading and unloading cargoes, and all other charges and expenses whatsoever appertaining to the cargo, except those before stated" -Vessel loaded with wheat in bulk- Owners obliged under Swedish law to fit shifting boards - Whether cost appertained to ship or cargo-Cost paid by shipowners without prejudice -Claim to recover from charterers.

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