
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1937) 57 Ll.L.Rep. 215


Before Lord Russell of Killowen, Lord Macmillan, Lord Normand and Sir Lancelot Sanderson, sitting with Captain P. N. Layton and Captain W. R. Chaplin, Nautical Assessors.

Collision between American steamship President Jefferson and Danish steamship Afrika in Hongkong Harbour- Both vessels inward bound-Afrika overtaken by President Jefferson at entrance to harbour - President Jefferson manoeuvring to anchor in consequence of shore signal that a berth was not immediately available and following a conversation with the berthing-master who had put out in a tug-Duty to other vessels in vicinity- Change of course-Failure to sound helm signal-Duty to keep course and speed-Whether President Jefferson let go her anchor at an improper time, having regard to the proximity of the Afrika-Duty of Afrika as overtaking vessel-Whether negligent in failing to observe shore signal addressed to President Jefferson-Negligent navigation by both vessels-Whether negligence severable-Collision Regulations, Arts. 21, 24, 28-Decision of Hongkong Court that President Jefferson was 70 per cent. and Afrika 30 per cent. to blame-Varied by finding of Supreme Court of Hongkong that President Jefferson was alone to blame.

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