
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1937) 58 Ll.L.Rep. 105


Before Mr. Justice Bucknill, sitting with Captain P. N. Layton and Captain W. R. Chaplin, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.

Salvage-Services rendered by tugs Ben Eadar and Coliemore (belonging to Dublin Port & Docks Board) to American steamship American Shipper in St. George's Channel - Rudder broken-Request by owners to Port & Docks Board for assistance-Tugs sent out from Dublin-Vessel picked up about 20 miles E.N.E. of Codling Light-vessel-Strong south-west wind- Vessel drifting broadside on to Welsh coast-Request by master to be towed to Liverpool-Vessel only four or five miles off Welsh coast after towage for about 10 hours-American Shipper swung head to wind, engines then being put full ahead - Tow ropes parted - American Shipper subsequently anchored in Lambay Deep-Tugs' services, rendered at request, admitted to be salvage services- Contention that award should be moderate on ground that the tugs did not contribute to the ultimate safety of the American Shipper -Whether tugs' services in fact contributed-High value of salved property-Risk to tugs.

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