
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1937) 58 Ll.L.Rep. 193


Before Lord Justice Greer, Lord Justice Slesser and Lord Justice MacKinnon.

Practice - Res judicata-Contract-Surety bond guaranteeing performance-Construction of works by K & R on plaintiffs' dock premises at Workington- Instructions to persons tendering that contractor must make his own independent inquiries as to the site and the water therein, and that the plaintiffs would not be bound by any representation that their engineers or their employees or the plaintiffs' employees might make to the contractors, unless in writing by the clerk to the plaintiffs -Tender by K & R-K & R notified that tender would be accepted if they provided guarantee-Surety bond for £50,000 entered into by defendants guaranteeing K & R's performance of contract-Failure of K & R to complete contract-Work completed by plaintiffs -Claim under bond - Evidence of agreements for loans made by plaintiffs to K & R during course of contract work-Indebtedness of K & R to plaintiffs denoted by final certificate issued by plaintiffs' engineers, certifying that £78,785 was due - Sum including balance due upon loans for principal and interest-Decision of H.L. that the loan agreements were outside the original contract and did not come

within the defendants' obligations under their bond, and that therefore the engineers' certificate, which included unknown sums due under the loan agreements, was not binding on the defendants-Further action brought by plaintiffs on bond-Plaintiffs' claim based on failure of K & R to carry out terms and obligations of the contract- Plea by defendants of res judicata- Order of Lewis, J. (reversing order of Master) that action should proceed- Appeal by defendants.

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