
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1940) 67 Ll L Rep 33


Before Lord Patrick, sitting with Captain R. L. F. Hubbard, R.N., as Nautical Assessor.

Collision-River-Port to port passing- Collision in River Clyde between steamship Mandalay, with tug forward and astern, bound up, and steamship Gregalia, with tug forward, bound down-Flood tide-Vessels sighted by each other at about 2000 ft.-Gregalia navigating slightly to the north of mid-channel; Mandalay, having taken a sheer to the north of mid-channel, manoeuvring with the help of her forward tug to regain her own water to the south-Porting by Gregalia in endeavour to pass Mandalay starboard to starboard-Port and starboard helm signals exchanged - Contention by Gregalia that a dredger was blocking the northern half of mid-channel and that she (the Gregalia) was forced to navigate to the south of mid-channel -Dispute as to positions of vessels prior to and at collision- Respective duties of vessels under local by-laws-"14. When steam vessels proceeding in opposite directions are approaching one another, each shall, when within fifty yards of the other, slow her engines, and each shall alter her course to starboard, so that each shall pass on the port side of each other"-River Clyde By-laws, Rules 14, 19-Collision Regulations, Art. 25.

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