(1940) 67 Ll L Rep 429
Before Mr. Justice Langton, sitting with Captain A. S. Mackay and Captain C. St. G. Glasson, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.
Collision-Look-out-Helm action - Collision between plaintiffs' steam trawler Dromio and Italian steamship Valdarno in North Sea - Dromio at head of convoy of trawlers-Vessels crossing at very fine angle-Plea by Dromio that green of Valdarno was observed fine on starboard bow, and that the Valdarno when in a position to pass in safety green to green, suddenly opened her red and with her stem struck the starboard side of the Dromio at an angle of about five points, the Dromio sinking nine hours later-Valdarno's case that vessels were on crossing courses; that the Dromio, the give-way vessel, failed to give way; and that she (the Valdarno) took steps to avoid collision by hard-a-starboard helm action and subsequently by putting her engines full astern.