(1941) 69 Ll L Rep 170
Before Mr. Justice Langton, sitting with Captain W. E. Crumplin and Captain A. H. Ryley, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.
Collision-Port to port passing-Seamanship -Collision in broad daylight in Thames Estuary between steamships Girasol and Contractor-Girasol inward bound; Contractor (in convoy) outward bound-Contractor following steamship G. (convoy leader)-Starboard helm action by G. to pass first a Finnish vessel and then the Girasol- Starboard helm action by Girasol, vessels passing in safety port to port- Duty of Contractor-Starboarding by Contractor on becoming aware of Girasol-Contact between stem of Contractor and port side of Girasol about amidships - Girasol sunk - Whether Contractor hampered in her manoeuvres by presence of wreck and buoy-Look-out-Helm action.