(1941) 71 Ll L Rep 103
Before Mr. Justice Bucknill, sitting with Captain P. N. Layton, Elder Brother of Trinity House.
Collision-Look-out-Reduction of speed- Seamanship-Collision between steamship Oxbird and motor vessel Supremity in North Sea-Oxbird, with dimmed lights, bound N.; Supremity, sailing without lights in convoy, bound S.-Loom of Supremity seen by Oxbird at distance of approximately 800 ft., about three points on port bow, crossing from port to starboard - Starboarding by Oxbird, one short blast being sounded-Lights of Supremity switched on shortly before collision- Green of Supremity opened on port bow of Oxbird - Hard-a-starboarding by Oxbird, engines being put full astern-Contact between stem of Oxbird and starboard bow of Supremity.