
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1942) 72 Ll.L.Rep. 23


Before Mr. Justice Bucknill, sitting with Captain W. E. Crumplin an Captain C. St. G. Glasson, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.

Collision - Convoy - Fog-Duty to sound fog signals-Collision between steamships Lackenby and Biafra in Liverpool Bay-Lackenby, in convoy, on course of W. by S.-Biafra on course of N. by E. - Weather: heavy snowstorm - Masthead and red lights of Lackenby opened on starboard bow of Biafra-Green of Biafra opened on port bow of Lackenby -Hard-a-starboarding by Lackenby; hard-a-porting by Biafra-Slow speed of both vessels maintained-Fog signals not being sounded by Lackenby- Instructions to convoy concerning sounding of fog signals.

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