(1942) 72 Ll.L.Rep. 284
Before Mr. Justice Langton, sitting with Captain W. R. Chaplin and Captain C. St. G. Glasson, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.
Collision - Meeting convoy - Look-out - Duty of unencumbered vessel to keep out of way of convoy - Collision between steamship Glenbride and motor vessel Scottish Musician near Smalls- Scottish Musician in convoy - Loom of Scottish Musician seen by Glenbride about quarter of a mile away on port bow- Navigation lights of Glenbride switched on - Red of Glenbride picked up over half a minute later by Scottish Musician on starboard bow, when vessels about 300 yards apart- Lights immediately switched on - Green of Scottish Musician opened on port bow of Glenbride- Starboarding by Glenbride- Contact between stem of Scottish Musician and port side of Glenbride- Whether Glenbride negligent in being unaware of convoy - Duty of Scottish Musician- Notice to Mariners (No. 7 of 1941): "In circumstances where a single vessel has not taken early measures to keep out of the way of a squadron . . . the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea must be the guide"- Meaning of notice.