
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1948) 82 Ll L Rep 172


Before Mr. Justice Willmer, sitting with Commodore R. L. F. Hubbard and Captain G. C. H. Noakes, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.

Salvage - Services rendered by river tug Merry Moller and lighters Prettylight and Silkylight to motor vessel Prometheus off mouth of River Yangtze - Prometheus damaged forward by mine - Down by head - Inability to cross river bar to Shanghai-Lighters towed by tug from Shanghai to ship for purpose of assisting in lightening of ship-Part cargo loaded into lighters- Cargo shifted from forward to aft by other salvors to put ship on even keel- Ship enabled to cross bar - Claim by tug and lighters against ship-Estimate of value of services - Plea by defendants that ship could have been similarly lightened by jettison of cargo, in which case the ship's liability would have been limited to general average contribution-Risk to ship-Evidence of prevailing weather -Damage to lighters-Loss of ropes, etc.

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