
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1948) 82 Ll L Rep 791


Before His Honour Judge A. Ralph Thomas.

Lightermen-Wages-Dispute as to rate payable-London Agreement-Medway Agreement - Construction - Plaintiff (Medway lighterman) employed to work barge from Royal Albert Dock to Strood, barge reaching Northfleet (within area of London Agreement) on first day and plaintiff returning home to Rochester-Plaintiff then instructed to proceed as early as possible next morning to Northfleet to take barge to Strood-Early train caught for Northfleet, work being commenced before 6 a.m.-Journey completed at noon-Provisions in Medway Agreement by Clause 9 that where men sent to London, London rates to apply

excepting that if required to start for London by train before 6 a.m. 4s. 6d. per hour travelling time to be paid with a minimum of 18s. Also if required to start from Rochester in craft before 6 a.m. 4s. 6d. per hour to be paid with a minimum of 18s.

Provision in London Agreement by Clause 3 (a) (v) that

For any work performed between 12 midnight and 6 a.m. a man shall be paid six hours at the rate of time-and-a-half (21s. 6d.) in addition to the pay for the four hours at time-and-a-half between 8 p.m. and midnight (14s. 4d.); total 35s. 10d.

Claim by plaintiff for wages underpaid -Contention that he was entitled to "long night pay" under Clause 3 (a) (v) of London Agreement.

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