(1940) 67 Ll.L.Rep. 99
Before Mr. Justice Bucknill, sitting with Captain A. H. Ryley and Captain R. L. F. Hubbard, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.
Collision - Convoy - Collision in North Sea between plaintiffs' steamship Corduff, in convoy, bound south, and defendants' steamship Waterland, bound north-Corduff the sternmost vessel in starboard column-Waterland, on slightly crossing course, navigated into middle of convoy-Attempt to get clear of convoy by porting back across bows of Corduff-Duty of Corduff- Helm action taken for purpose of keeping station - Contentions by Waterland that Corduff should have signalled her alteration of helm; that she should not have starboarded when it was apparent that the Waterland was porting; and that she was not keeping a good look-out.
Collision - Practice - Evidence - Written statements of subsidiary witnesses- Time for mutual exchange of statements -Observations of learned Judge.