
Lloyd's Law Reports


[1958] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 546


Before Mr. Justice McNair.

Marine insurance- Breach of warranty- Insurance of canned pork against all risks- "Warranted all tins marked by manufacturers with a code for verification of date of manufacture" - Number of tins incorrectly marked - Claim under policy- Liability of insurers- Meaning of "for verification"- Whether insurers only freed from liability in respect of incorrectly marked tins - Effect of "held covered" clause. Marine insurance- All risks- "Including inherent vice and hidden detect. Condemnation by authorities to take place within three months of the date of arrival in final warehouse. . ." - Claim under policy - Meaning of condemnation clause- Whether condemnation conclusive evidence of loss due to inherent vice - Whether claim for loss due to inherent vice unlimited as to time- Liability of insurers for financial loss due to sound goods becoming suspect to trade.

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