
Lloyd's Law Reports


[1960] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 319


Before Mr. Justice Streatfeild.

Brokers - Set-off - Running account between brokers and merchants-Right of brokers to set off merchants' indebtedness under direct sales account against credit in broking account. Costs - Application by successful defendants for Court to direct that, instead of taxed costs, defendants should be entitled to a gross sum so specified in lieu of costs-Supreme Court Costs Rules, 1959, Rule 9. Practice - Application by successful defendants, after successful application for order specifying gross sum in lieu of costs, for garnishee order nisi directing plaintiff's bank to attend on notice in relation to any indebtedness by them by reason of the relationship of bank and customer so that there would be funds to which defendants' judgment could attach- R.S.C., Order 45, r. 1.

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