
Fraud Intelligence

“Do you really want to harm me?” …Time to join the ‘Culture’ club?

As the recession bites, fraud will increase and organisations, more than ever before, need to ensure they are robust against attack. With budgets and resources being slashed, attention needs to be focused on protecting finances and assets from falling victim to fraud. Reducing fraud losses and other financial harm to an absolute minimum is crucial if one is survive the storm, as every pound lost to fraud is (at the very least) a pound not spent on achieving the organisation’s aims and objectives. John Baker, National Director of RSM Bentley Jennison’s Business Integrity and Investigation Service looks at how improving the anti-fraud culture could help save the organisation money and protect its reputation.

“You need to create an anti-fraud culture”

One often hears the phrase “You need to create an anti-fraud culture”. It slips off the tongue with perfect ease in conferences and seminars as the vast majority of the audience nod their heads sagely in agreement. It takes only one lone voice amongst them to meekly ask, “How do you do that then?” to generate a unanimous and much more fervent nodding of heads.

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