
Medical Law Reports

Robinson v Jacklin

(1996) 7 Med LR 83



Professional liability — Neurology — 10-month old boy with VP shunt infection and blockage, diagnosed as tonsillitis and jaundice, admitted to hospital — Symptoms indicating possibility of neurological problems — Senior house officer consulting neurosurgical registrar at another hospital who advised that “with this history shunt blockage is unlikely” — Whether neurological surgeon negligent in not advising senior house officer that patient should be sent to hospital with neurological unit. — Professional liability — Casualty — 10-month old boy with VP shunt infection and blockage, diagnosed as tonsillitis and jaundice, admitted to hospital — Symptoms indicating possibility of neurological problems — Senior house officer consulting neurosurgical registrar at another hospital who advised that “with this history shunt blockage is unlikely” — Treatment by paediatric team continuing to investigate patient for other sources of continuing illness than shunt-related problem — Resulting severe brain damage — Whether more senior doctor than senior house officer should have been delegated to contact neurosurgical team. — Professional liability — Paediatrics — 10-month old boy with VP shunt infection and blockage, diagnosed as tonsillitis and jaundice, admitted to hospital — Symptoms indicating possibility of neurological problems — Senior house officer consulting neurosurgical registrar at another hospital who advised that “with this history shunt blockage is unlikely” — Treatment by paediatric team continuing to investigate patient for other sources of continuing illness than shunt-related problem — Resulting severe brain damage — Whether paediatric team were negligent in failing to refer patient to hospital with neurological unit — Causation

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