
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly


THE LAW OF INSURANCE CONTRACTS (2nd Edition). Malcolm A. Clarke, M.A., LL.B., Ph.D., Reader in Commercial Contract Law, Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge. Lloyd’s of London Press, London (1994) cxxv and 835 pp., plus 36 pp. Index. Hardback £140.
The second edition of this book will appear familiar to readers of the first edition in that the basic structure remains the same. There are, however, a number of changes, which, taken together, introduce a considerable volume of new material: Chap. 2 (Conflict of Laws) has been revised to take greater account of the Rome Convention and EC Directives; in Chap. 19 (Exceptions) the discussion of reasonable precautions has been extended and a new section dealing with the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the EC Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts has been added; Chap. 28 (Indemnity) has been extended to cover residual value insurance and the cost of mitigating or preventing loss; and Chap. 30 (Payment and Non-Payment) has been revised in the


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