Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
PRODUCT LIABILITY by Alistair M. Clark, Ll.B., Ph.D., Lecturer in Law, University of Strathclyde. Sweet & Maxwell, London (1989, xxi and 216 pp., plus 7 pp. Index). Paperback £14.95.
PRODUCT LIABILITY (The Law and its Implications for Risk Management) by Christopher J. Wright, B.A., Ll.M., Cert. Ed., Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, Staffordshire Polytechnic. Blackstone Press, London (1989, xiii and 202 pp., plus 8 pp. Appendices and 5 pp. Index). Paperback £14.95.
The phrase “product liability” has not yet achieved the status of a term of art, but is increasingly confined to a description of a manufacturer’s or producer’s strict noncontractual liability to consumers for his defective products. This is the interpretation adopted in Clark, which is effectively a scholarly, detailed analysis of such a new regime of