
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly


SALE AND SUPPLY OF GOODS. M. Furmston, T.D., M.A., B.C.L., LL.M., Barrister, Bencher of Gray’s Inn, Professor of Law, University of Bristol. Cavendish Publishing, London (1994) xvi and 166 pp., plus 6 pp. Index. Paperback £12.95.
The author states that this book is designed for the needs of students “who will study sale of goods for only perhaps a third to a half of an academic year”. It is assumed that he is thinking of a course where sale occupies 15–20 lectures. This would be unusual in University terms—unless as a single module course of 1/12th of a year. Most courses will be of at least 30 lectures and require rather more depth. However, there are many courses of this level at


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