Compliance Monitor
Regulation and the speed of change: the P2P experience
Thirty-six months after the creation of a bespoke regulatory regime for the peer-to-peer lending sector, only a small proportion of platforms have been successfully authorised and the Financial Conduct Authority now wants to create new rules. Gillian Roche-Saunders discusses whether lessons can be learnt.
Gillian Roche-Saunders is a partner at Bates Wells Braithwaite where she runs the regulatory consultancy, BWB Compliance. She has worked with over 40 alternative finance platforms including peer-to-peer lenders and crowdfunding platforms, assisting them through authorisation and compliance support once fully regulated. Contact her on
Once seen as the vanguard of the UK’s initiative to establish itself as
the global centre for FinTech, peer-to-peer lending, or P2P lending, has been having a tough time lately.