Understanding International Arbitration
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- Ad hoc arbitration 2, 15–16
- Administered arbitration see Institutional arbitration
- Advantages of arbitration 2, 16–21
- Agreement to arbitrate see Arbitration agreement
- Annulment of arbitral awards: in general 205–208;
- Answer (to a request for arbitration) 137–138
- Anti-suit injunction 86–87
- Appointment of arbitrators 7, 97–98, 100–116
- Arbitrability 1, 10–11, 51, 54–58, 229–230
- Arbitral award: in general 4, 173–174;
- Arbitral institutions see Institutional arbitration
- Arbitral order 173–174
- Arbitration agreement: in general 51–96;
- Arbitration clause see Arbitration agreement
- Arbitrators’ contract 122–123
- Case management conference 142–144
- Cause of action estoppel see Res judicata
- Challenge of arbitral awards see Annulment of arbitral awards
- Challenge of arbitrators 99, 116–120
- Closing of the proceedings 153
- Competence-competence 67–71
- Composition of the tribunal 221–224
- Compromis see Arbitration agreement
- Concurring opinion 196–197
- Confidentiality 3, 21, 134–136
- Consumer arbitration 14
- Cost: in general 21–22;
- Decision on Jurisdiction see Award
- Declaratory relief 188–189
- Deliberations 154, 194–195
- Dissenting opinion 196
- Document production 156–158
- Domestic character of arbitration 2, 11–12
- Double exequatur 211–212, 234–235
- Drawbacks of arbitration 2
- Due process violations 221–229. 231–233
- Emergency arbitrator 138–139
- Enforceability 19–20
- Error on point of law 230–231
- European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration 212
- Exequatur see Recognition and enforcement
- Expedited arbitration 165–167
- Expertise 20, 24
- General terms and conditions 77–78
- Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards 211–212, 234
- Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses 211
- IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration 114–116
- IBA Rules of Ethics for International Arbitrators 114–116
- IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration 129, 156
- Independence and impartiality 98, 111–120
- Institutional arbitration 2, 15–16, 33–36, 110–111, 119
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- Interest 187–188
- Interim relief see Provisional (interim) relief
- International character of arbitration 2, 11–12
- Interviews of prospective arbitrators 116
- Issue estoppel see Res judicata
- Lex arbitri 26, 30–33
- Liability of arbitrators 99, 123–124
- Litigation: comparison with arbitration 3;
- Mandatory rules 43–44
- Mediation 3
- Merits: choice of law agreement 36–44;
- Monetary compensation 186–187
- Multiparty proceedings 161–165
- Party autonomy 1, 4–7, 36–44, 128–129
- Post-hearing submissions 153
- Power 23–24
- Provisional (interim) relief 139–142
- Public policy 43–44, 231–233
- Punitive damages 187
- Recognition and enforcement: in general 205–206;
- difference between recognition and enforcement 209–210;
- law applicable to recognition and enforcement 211;
- obligations arising from the New York Convention 211–213;
- requirements under the New York Convention 213–216;
- suspension of recognition and enforcement proceedings pending annulment proceedings 239
- Redfern schedule 158
- Remedies 186–191
- Removal of arbitrators 120
- Replacement of arbitrators 99
- Request for arbitration 137–138
- Res judicata 192–194
- Seat of arbitration 29–33, 132–134
- Selection of arbitrators see Appointment of arbitrators
- Separability see Arbitration agreement
- Separate opinion 196–197
- Setting aside see Annulment of arbitral awards
- Specific performance 189–190
- Speed 18–19
- State entities 2, 11–12
- Statement of claim 148–150
- Statement of defense 148–150
- State-State arbitration 14–15