FIDIC Contracts in Europe
Page 603
- Aarhus Convention 573, 580
- Abnahme 283–284, 301, 581
- Abrahamson Principles 13, 51, 581
- abus de droit 114, 123, 581
- accidentalia negotii 304, 581
- addendum and amendment of contract 139
- aequitas 474, 581
- alternative dispute resolution see dispute resolution
- amiable compositeur (natural justice) 262, 581
- Amtsgerichte 270, 571
- anti-corruption laws 353–354
- applicable law
- governing law of the contract 24–25
- impact of laws 34–35
- intersection of local laws with governing law of the contract 25
- laws applicable to arbitration of dispute 26–27
- laws applicable to execution of construction project 26
- laws with extra-territorial reach 25
- mandatory law 21
- non-mandatory law 21
- Particular Conditions see Particular Conditions
- Yellow Book 2017 provisions on 21–24 see also governing law of the contract
- applicable legislation
- arbitration
- appeal to court may mean loss of right to arbitration 537
- applicable law 26, 221, 506
- Belgium 122
- Czech Republic 142
- DAAB/DAB decisions 52–53
- England 221
- France 262–264
- Germany 303
- governing law 59
- Greece 356–357
- Ireland 390, 391–392
- Italy 414–416
- Netherlands 421, 430
- Portugal 474
- Scotland 506
- Sweden 537, 545–547
- Switzerland 577–579
- enforcement of foreign judgments see also UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985
- Areios Pagos 323–324, 582
- assignation 254, 502, 504, 582
- Association Internationale des Tunnels et de L’Espace Souterrain see ITA-AITES
- Austria
- applicable laws 92–99
- challenges 86
- common law 94
- constitutional structure 75
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 91
- construction contracts, constraints of the governing law of 91
- construction contracts, entry into 95
- construction contracts, formal requirements 92
- construction contracts, impact of COVID-19 88–89
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- construction contracts, termination of 96, 98
- construction industry 77–87
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 87
- contract 83–84
- contract, governing law of 90–92
- contract, impact of COVID-19 88–89
- court system 76
- COVID-19, impact of 87–89
- Defects Notification Period 94
- dispute determination 95, 99
- dispute resolution 84–85, 96, 99
- factory fabricated components, modular construction using 80
- FIDIC General Conditions 92–95
- formal requirements for a construction contract 92
- General Conditions 92–95
- governing law of the contract 90–99
- government/private sector procurement 82
- insurance requirements 82
- interest on late payment 94
- labour relations 78
- late payment, interest on 94
- law of the Site/Country 95
- laws on dispute determination 95
- legal environment, outline of 75–77
- legal system 75
- licensing/registration 77
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 80
- Particular Conditions 92–95
- safety culture 79
- Site/Country, law of 95, 97–99
- Special Provisions 92–95
- structure 77
- technology/innovation/BIM 81–82
- terms and conditions 92–93
- unique features 86
- bankruptcy
- banks
- Baugrundrisiko 286, 582
- Baustellenverordnung 313, 582
- behaviour see conduct
- Belgium
- applicable law 114–121
- architect 115
- bankruptcy 118
- Brexit 111
- Civil Code reform 111
- claims, subcontractor direct 118
- constitutional structure 102
- constraints on governing law of the contract 113
- construction industry 104–111
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 111
- contract, constraints on 113
- contract 109
- contract, entry into 119
- contract, formal requirements for 113
- contract, governing law of 113–117, 119–120
- contract, impact of COVID-19 112
- contract, operation of 119, 120
- contract, termination of 120, 121
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 122
- court system 103
- COVID-19, impact of 111–113
- custom, local 122
- damages, liquidated 122
- debts, tax and social security 118
- decennial liability 115, 117
- dispute determination 117, 121
- dispute resolution 109–110, 120, 121
- FIDIC General Conditions 114–117
- fitness for purpose obligations 117, 122
- formal requirements for a construction contract 113
- General Conditions 114–117
- good faith 114, 122
- governing law of the contract 113–117, 119–120
- government/private sector procurement 108
- Health and Safety Coordinator 116
- insolvency 118
- insurance 108, 117
- joint and several liability 118
- labour laws 117
- labour relations 106
- law, labour 17
- law, local 122
- law on dispute determination 117
- law of the Site/Country 117
- legal environment, outline of 102–103
- legal system 103
- liability 115, 117, 118
- licensing/registration 105
- liquidation 118, 122
- Particular Conditions 114–118
- safety culture 107
- Site/Country, law of 117, 120–121
- social security debts 118
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- structure, constitutional 102
- structure, construction industry 105
- subcontractor direct claims 118
- tax debts 118
- best practice, promotion of 12–13
- bids see tenders
- BIM see building information modelling system
- Blue-Green Book 16, 44, 582
- breach of contract
- BREEAM 160, 187–188, 582
- Brexit 111, 174–175, 204–207
- building controls
- building information modelling system (BIM)
- Bundesgerichtshof 270, 318, 583
- Bundesländer 273, 316, 583
- Byretten 148, 583
- Cahier des clauses administratives générales 243, 583
- causa 583
- choice of law
- CISG 37, 440, 569, 583
- civil law
- clause pénale 584
- commercial contracts and construction contracts distinguished 3
- common law
- Austria 94
- Belgium 109, 114, 117–118, 122–123
- Denmark 155
- differences to civil law 5–6
- England 166–167, 193, 207, 213, 215–217
- France 230, 240, 244, 246, 256, 262–263
- Germany 268–269, 282–283, 285, 299, 303, 315
- Greece 322, 337, 342, 356–357
- Ireland 362, 366, 373, 379, 385–387, 390
- Italy 396, 408
- Norway 433, 440
- Scotland 478, 483, 498–499, 501–502, 504–505, 512
- Sweden 519
- Switzerland 563, 577–578
- system of 5
- completion of contract
- adjustment of completion time 468
- conduct
- consequential loss or damage see indirect or consequential loss or damage
- Conseil Constitutionnel 229, 584
- Conseil d’État 229–231, 584
- Conseils de Prud’hommes 231, 233, 584
- constitutional structures
- construction contracts
- choice of law (proper law) 10–11
- civil law 5–6
- common law 5–8
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- definition 3
- distinction from other commercial contracts 3
- entry see entry into contract
- freedom of contract 7–8
- frustration see frustrated contracts
- international construction contracts 11
- legal systems 5
- operation see operation of contract
- overview 3–4
- pacta sunt servanda 9
- termination see termination of contracts
- uniqueness 5, 46–47
- Variations see Variations see also FIDIC contracts
- construction hors-site 234, 584
- construction industry overviews
- Austria 77–86
- Belgium 104–111
- Czech Republic 128–133
- Denmark 149–152
- England 171–204
- France 231–237
- Germany 270–280
- Greece 325–329
- Ireland 363–375
- Italy 397–403
- Netherlands 421–424
- Norway 435
- Portugal 455–463
- Scotland 479–488
- Sweden 520–526
- Switzerland 554–558 see also current challenges for construction industry
- construction industry regulatory frameworks 90, 555
- contract agreements 18, 529, 584
- Contract Data see Particular Conditions
- contract forms in common use
- contract interpretation under local law and custom
- contract law 6
- contract liquidation
- Contractors
- claims 470
- foreign 457
- general obligations 297, 338
- indemnities by 384–385
- licensing requirements 456–457
- limitation of liability 350
- obligations in EPC Silver Book 61
- pledge in favour of 351
- registration/licensing 571
- sale of equipment by Employer 470
- securities for 306 see also licensing of Contractors
- Contractor’s Equipment, sale of Portugal 470
- contrat de coordination 585
- contrat d’entreprise 123, 585
- contrats de construction de maison individuelle 243, 585
- contrats de promotion immobilière 243, 585
- conventions collectives 233, 585
- Corpus Juris Civilis 268, 585
- corruption see anti-corruption laws
- costs, adjustments
- generally 89
- Cour de Cassation 104, 230–231, 241, 586
- Cours administratives d’appel 231, 586
- Cours d’appel 231, 586
- court proceedings 9, 26, 85, 224, 333, 537, 560
- court systems
- COVID-19
- Austria 87–88
- Belgium 111–112
- claims arising under FIDIC contracts 32–34
- Czech Republic 134
- Denmark 153–154
- dispute resolution 34
- economic measures 32
- England 204–207
- execution of construction projects 31
- France 237–239
- Germany 280–281
- government responses 27–29
- Greece 330–334
- impact on construction 29–30
- Ireland 375–378
- Italy 403–404
- Netherlands 425
- Norway 436–438
- operation of contract 31–32
- Portugal 463–465
- Scotland 488–493
- Sweden 526–527
- Switzerland 559–560
- culpa in contrahendo 546, 586
- curial law (lex arbitrii) 26, 59–60, 586, 593
- current challenges for construction industry
- customary law 291, 317
- Czech Republic
- applicable laws 136–142
- building permit 138
- cancellation 140
- challenges 133
- claim limitation period 137
- compatibility of FIDIC General Conditions 136
- constitutional structure 127
- construction industry 128–133
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 134
- contract 131–132
- contract, changes to 139
- contract, constraints on 135
- contract, entry into 139, 140
- contract, formal requirements 135
- contract, governing law 135
- contract, impact of COVID-19 134
- contract, law of 139–141
- contract, operation of 140, 141
- contract, termination of 140, 142
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 142
- court system 128
- COVID-19, impact of 134
- custom, local 142
- damages 136
- Dispute Adjudication Board 137
- dispute determination 137, 142
- dispute resolution 133, 141
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 130
- FIDIC contracts 132, 136–137
- financing charges 136
- formal requirements for a construction contract 135
- frustration 140
- General Conditions 136–137
- governing law 135–137
- government/private sector procurement 130
- guarantees under forms of security 140
- health and safety 138
- insurance requirements 131
- labour relations 129
- law, local 142
- law of the contract 139–141
- law of the Site/Country 136
- legal environment, outline of 127–128
- legal system 127
- licensing/registration 129
- liquidated (delay) damages sub-clause 136
- local law or custom 142
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 130
- Particular Conditions 136–138
- safety culture 130
- security, guarantees under forms of 140
- Site/Country, law of 136, 141–142
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- structure, constitutional 127
- structure, construction industry 128
- Taking-Over the Works 138
- technology/innovation/BMI 130
- unique features 133
- waste management 138
- DAAB see Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board
- DAB see Dispute Adjudication Board
- damage, indirect or consequential 6, 296, 512, 545, 578
- damages
- Data, Contract see Particular Conditions
- decennale postuma 402, 586
- deceptive conduct see conduct
- deed 114, 194, 211, 387–388
- defects
- delayed payments, financing charges in 136
- delays, damages/penalties for
- Denmark
- applicable laws 155–161
- claims for interest 160
- clauses, cover-all 160
- clauses, cut-off 157
- common forms of contract 152
- constitutional structure 146
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 154
- construction industry 149–152
- construction law 146
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 153
- contract, common forms of 152
- contract, constraints on 154
- contract, entry into 161
- contract, formal requirements 155
- contract, governing law 154–161
- contract, impact of COVID-19 154
- contract, lump-sum 160
- contract, operation of 161
- contract, termination of 161, 162
- court system 148
- cover-all clauses 160
- COVID-19, impact of 153–154
- cut-off clauses 157
- Danish Interest Act 160
- Defect Notification Period 159
- development damage 155
- dispute determination 160, 162
- dispute resolution 161
- Employer, termination by 157
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 152
- FIDIC General Conditions 155–160
- fitness for purpose 155
- formal requirements for a construction contract 155
- formality, clauses of 157
- General Conditions 155–160
- governing law of the contract 154–161
- insurance requirements 152
- interest 160
- labour relations 150
- law, construction 146
- law on dispute determination 160
- law of the Site/Country 160
- legal environment, outline of 146–148
- legal system 146
- liability, limitations of 159
- licensing/registration 149
- limitations of liability 159
- lump sum contracts 160
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 152
- Particular Conditions 155–161
- safety culture 151
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- Special Provisions 155–161
- statute of limitations 159
- structure, constitutional 146
- structure, construction industry 149
- termination by the Employer 157
- waivers 159
- design
- development aid see Japan International Cooperation Agency
- devoir de loyauté 263, 587
- Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB)
- Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAAB)
- Dispute Boards
- dispute resolution
- alternative 202–203
- applicable law 34
- Austria 84, 96, 99
- Belgium 109
- Covid-19-related claims 34
- Czech Republic 133, 141
- Denmark 161
- England 195–199, 203
- France 236
- Germany 278, 312, 314
- Greece 353
- Ireland 373, 388, 390
- Italy 402
- JICA Dispute Boards 18, 48, 593
- multi-tiered clauses 373
- Netherlands 424, 428, 429
- Norway 434, 446, 448, 449
- Portugal 462, 472, 473
- Scotland 488, 507, 510
- Sweden 525, 541, 544
- Switzerland 557, 570, 574, 576 see also arbitration; enforcement of foreign judgments
- doctrine of separability 26–27, 587
- dommages ouvrage 250, 587
- effectiveness and effective date of contract Portugal 460
- Elegktiko Synedrio 323, 588
- Emerald Book
- Employers
- cessation of liability 301, 345
- cooperation of 350
- FIDIC Conditions of Contract 16, 44
- Particular Conditions as to preferences 56
- payment of Subcontractors by 245
- pledge in favour of the Contractor upon movable property of 351
- sale of Contractor’s Equipment, surplus material, wreckage and Temporary Works 470
- securities for the Contractor 306
- Special Provisions necessary or desirable for preferences of 66
- taking over of the Works 565
- termination by 157, 245, 345
- Engineers
- England and Wales
- adjudication 197–199
- adjudication, ad hoc 198
- adjudication, contractual 198
- adjudication, statutory 197
- adjudicator’s decision 198
- applicable laws 213–225
- appointment of a consultant 192
- arbitration 221
- bespoke contract 193
- BIM 185
- BIM, take-up of 186
- BIM, use in contracts 186–187
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- BREEAM 187
- challenges 201
- claim, submission in court 169
- collateral warranties 193
- common law 167
- constitutional structure 166
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 209
- construction contracts, impact of COVID-19 207
- Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) 181
- construction industry 171–204
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 204–206
- construction sites, COVID-19 on 204
- consultant, appointment of 192
- contract, bespoke 193
- contract, BIM use in 186–187
- contract, common forms of 192–195
- contract, constraints on 209
- contract, construction 197, 198
- contract, entry into 217
- contract, formal requirements 211
- contract, governing law 209–211, 213, 217
- contract, operation of 207, 217, 218
- contract, standard form 193, 194
- contract, termination 217, 218, 221
- contracting/tendering, approaches to 174
- contractual adjudication 198
- costs 224
- court system 167–169, 222
- COVID-19, impact of 204–207
- decision, enforcing 198
- disclosure 223
- dispute determination 215, 221–225
- dispute resolution 195–199, 203, 217, 221
- enforcing adjudicator’s decision 198
- evidence 221–222
- FIDIC General Conditions 213–215
- force majeure 207
- formal requirements for a construction contract 211
- General Conditions 213–215
- governing law of the contract 209–211, 213, 217
- government/private sector procurement 188–189
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 179
- health and safety Laws and Regulations 180–181
- Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 180
- innovation 187
- insurance 191
- JCT 186
- jurisdiction 209
- labour laws 178
- labour relations 177–178
- law, health and safety 180–181
- law, labour 178
- law on dispute determination 215
- law of the Site/Country 213, 218
- legal environment, outline of 166–169
- legal system 167
- legislation 167
- licensing/registration 175–176
- modular construction 182
- NEC 187
- OHS 204
- parent company guarantee (PCG) 194
- Particular Conditions 213–216
- pre-action protocols 223
- procurement 188–189
- public sector procurement 188
- public versus private 171
- repudiation versus termination 218
- safety culture 179–182
- Scheme 198
- Site/Country, law of 213, 218
- Special Provisions 213–216
- standard form contract 193, 194
- statutory adjudication 197
- structure, constitutional 166
- structure, construction industry 172–174
- submission of a claim in court 169
- take-up of BIM 186
- technology 184–187
- tendering, approaches to 174
- tendering, EU Regulations on 174–175
- unique features 201–203
- entgangener Gewinn 296, 588
- entry into contract
- EPC contract 589
- EPCM contract 589
- equipment
- essentialia negotii 269, 282, 295, 304, 589
- ex aequo et bono 474, 581, 589
- exceptional events (Force Majeure)
- expertise-arbitrage 576, 589
- extension of time (EOT) clauses
- extra-territoriality, applicable law and 25
- fair and balanced contracts
- faute inexcusable 234, 261, 589
- FIDIC contracts
- aims of book 38–39
- contract agreement 18
- contract documents 18, 19
- General Conditions 20
- JICA usage see Japan International Cooperation Agency
- MDB use of 17
- order of precedence of documents 66
- overview 15–16
- Particular Conditions see Particular Conditions
- rainbow suite 19
- Special Provisions 19
- subcontracts 16
- underground Works see Emerald Book
- FIDIC General Conditions
- FIDIC Golden Principles see Golden Principles
- financial support under COVID-19
- financing charges in delayed payments 71
- Folgeschäden 296, 589
- force majeure see also exceptional events
- foreign Contractors
- foreign judgments see enforcement of foreign judgments
- France
- appeal 256
- applicable laws 244–262
- before the action is initiated 253
- case management 254
- cassation 256
- challenges 236
- constitutional structure 229
- construction industry 231–237
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 237
- contract, common forms 236
- contract, constraints on 241
- contract, entry into 248, 257
- contract, formal requirements 243
- contract, governing law 241–245, 248–257
- contract, impact of COVID-19 239
- contract, operation of 257–258, 260
- contract, rules of interpretation 262
- contract, termination of 245, 252, 257, 260, 261
- costs, legal 256
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 262–263
- court system 230
- COVID-19, impact of 237–239
- custom, local 262–263
- Defect Notification Period 247
- defective work, construction liabilities for 248
- Delay Damages 246
- dispute determination 246, 261–262
- dispute resolution 236, 253–256, 257, 260, 261
Page 612
- Employer, termination of contract by 245
- environmental damages, liabilities as to 252
- evidence 255
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 234
- FIDIC General Conditions 244–246
- formal requirement for a construction contract 243
- General Conditions 244–246
- good faith 263
- governing law of the contract 241–245, 248–257
- government/private sector procurement 235
- health and safety 258
- insurance 236, 248–252
- interim relief 254
- interpretation of contract 262
- labour relations 233
- law, local 262–263
- law on dispute determination 246
- law of the Site/Country 246
- legal costs 256
- legal environment 229–230
- legal system 229
- liabilities/insurance 248–252
- licensing/registration 232
- local law 262–263
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 234
- nuisance, liability for 252
- Particular Conditions 244–247
- Payment of Subcontractors by the Employer 245
- Performance Certificate 247
- référé 254
- rules of interpretation of contracts 262
- safety culture 233
- Site/Country, law of 246, 257–261
- Special Provisions 244–247
- structure, constitutional 229
- structure, construction industry 232
- subcontracting 257
- Subcontractors, Payment by Employer 245
- Taking-Over Certificate 247
- technology/innovation/BIM 235
- trial 256
- unique features 237
- freedom of contract 7–8
- frustrated contracts
- England 217
- Garantie de Bon Fonctionnement 249, 590
- Garantie décennale 590
- Garantie de Parfait Achèvement 248–249, 590, 591
- GBRs see Geotechnical Baseline Reports
- GDRs see Geotechnical Data Reports
- General Conditions see FIDIC General Conditions
- Geotechnical Baseline Reports (GBRs) 590
- Geotechnical Data Reports (GDRs) 268, 590
- Germany
- AGB Recht 292
- allocation of risks 286
- applicable laws 290–316
- Application for Interim Payment 301
- arbitration, seat of 303
- architects, fees for services by 307
- AÜG 311
- BauFordSiG 309
- BIM 274
- business terms law, standard 292
- Cessation of Employer’s Liability 301
- challenges 279
- Civil Code, German 269, 305, 310
- claims, disruption 287
- Claims for Payment and/or EOT 302
- conflicts of law 291
- constitutional structure 268
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 282–287
- construction industry 270–280
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 280
- contract, collapse of the basis of 317
- contract, common forms of 278
- contract, constraints on 282–287
- contract, differences 294
- contract, entry into 312
- contract, formal requirements for 290
- contract, governing law of 282–303, 305–312
- contract, mandatory labour law reconstruction 310–311
- contract, operation of 281, 313
- contract, periods of 283
- contract, termination of 285, 312, 314
- contract law 269
- Contractor, Employer’s securities for 306
- Contractor’s General Obligations 297
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 316–317
- court system 270
- COVID-19, impact of 280–281
- custom, local 316–317
- defects liability period 285
- Delay Damages 299
- dispute determination 303, 314–316
- dispute resolution 278, 312, 314
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- Employer’s securities for the Contractor 306
- engineers, fees for services by 307
- EStG 308
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 273
- Failure to Remedy Defects 300
- fees for services by architects and engineers 307
- FIDIC General Conditions 291–303
- FIDIC sub-clause 1.15 295
- FIDIC sub-clause 4.1 297
- FIDIC sub-clause 4.2 297
- FIDIC sub-clause 4.7 298
- FIDIC sub-clause 4.10 298
- FIDIC sub-clause 4.11 299
- FIDIC sub-clause 4.12 298
- FIDIC sub-clause 5.1 298
- FIDIC sub-clause 8.8 299
- FIDIC sub-clause 11.4 300
- FIDIC sub-clause 14.3 301
- FIDIC sub-clause 14.4 301
- FIDIC sub-clause 20.2 302
- FIDIC sub-clause 21.4 302
- formal requirements for a construction contract 290
- forms of contract 278
- General Conditions 291–303
- General Design Obligations 298
- German Civil Code 269, 305, 310
- governing law of the contract 282–303, 305–312
- government/private sector procurement 275
- HOAI 307
- Income Tax Act (EStG) 308
- innovation 274
- insurance requirements, construction industry 277
- international law 291
- labour 271, 310–311
- law, conflicts of 291
- law, contract 269
- law, international 291
- law, local 316–317
- law, procurement 310
- law, standard business terms 292
- Law on the Protection of Construction Claims (BauFordSiG) 309
- law of the seat of the arbitration 303
- law of the Site/Country 303
- leasing, labour 311
- legal environment, outline of 268–270
- legal system 268–269
- liability 285, 295
- licensing/registration 271
- limitation of liability 295
- local law 316–317
- locatio conductio operis 283
- mandatory labour law reconstruction contracts 310–311
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 273
- Obtaining DAAB’s Decision 302
- Particular Conditions 290–305
- Performance Security 297
- periods of the contract for works 283
- private international law/conflicts of law 291
- private sector procurement 275
- procurement 275, 310
- reconstruction contracts 310–311
- risks, allocation of 286
- safety culture 273
- securities 297, 306
- Setting Out 298
- Site/Country, law of 303, 312–314
- Special Provisions 290–305
- standard business terms law 292
- structure, constitutional 268
- structure, construction industry 271
- Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount/Contract Price 299
- technology/innovation/BIM 274
- Unforeseeable Physical Conditions 298
- unique features of the construction industry 280
- Use of Site Data 298
- Variations and Adjustments 300
- Werkvertrag 283
- Gold Book 16, 44, 591
- Golden Principles (GPs)
- good faith 13–14
- governing law of the contract
- Austria 90–96
- Belgium 113–117, 119–120
- Czech Republic 135–136, 139–141
- Denmark 154–161
- England 209–211, 213, 217
- France 241–245, 248–257
- Germany 282–303, 305–312
- Greece 335–346, 351–353
Page 614
- Italy 406–409, 412
- Netherlands 425–428
- Norway 438–439, 448
- Portugal 466–470, 472
- Scotland 495–499, 501–506
- Sweden 528–531, 539–541
- Switzerland 561–563, 569–570
- government procurement see procurement
- Greece
- applicable laws 336–356
- BIM 329
- Cessation of Employer’s liability 345
- Claims 346
- Clearance of Site 343
- constitutional structure 322
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 335
- construction industry 325–329
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 330–331
- contract 327
- contract, constraints on 335
- contract, entry into 352
- contract, formal requirements for 336
- contract, governing law of 335–346, 351–353
- contract, interpretation of 337
- contract, operation of 333–334, 353, 354
- contract, termination of 353
- contractor 338, 350–351
- contractual provisions 334
- cooperation of employer 350
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 356
- court system 323
- COVID-19, impact of 330–334
- custom, local 356
- Delay Damages 341
- dispute determination 347–348, 355–356
- dispute resolution 353
- Employer 345, 350–351
- Engineer’s role 338
- FIDIC General Conditions 336–348
- Final Payment 344
- formal requirements for a construction contract 336
- General Conditions 336–348
- governing law of the contract 335–346, 351–353
- ground conditions 351
- innovation 329
- insurance requirements 329
- interpretation of the contract 337
- labour 328, 346
- law, local 356
- law of the Site/Country 346–347, 353–354
- legal environment 322–323
- legal system 322
- legislative Acts, pandemic-specific 333
- liability 345, 350
- limitation of liability 350
- local law 356
- Ownership of Plant and Materials 340
- Particular Conditions 336–351
- payment 351
- Public Works Contracts’ regime 348
- safety culture 328
- Site/Country, law of 346–347, 353–354
- Special Provisions 336–351
- statutory provisions 334
- structure, constitutional 322
- subcontractors 347
- Taking-Over Certificate and Performance Certificate 342
- technology/innovation/BIM 329
- Termination for Employer’s convenience 345
- unforeseeable difficulties 339
- use of Site data 338
- Variations 344
- Green Book 16, 44, 132, 135, 591
- gross negligence
- ground risks, allocation of 62, 351, 468
- Grundgesetz 268, 591
- guarantees see performance bank guarantees
- Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 591
- Hague Principles 57–59, 591
- hardship 32
- Head Contract 3, 591
- health and safety
- Højesteret 148, 592
- ICSID Convention 38, 111, 592
- implied terms
- income tax 64, 78, 308, 589
- indirect or consequential loss or damage 66, 545, 578
- innovation
- in rem claim 26, 592
- insolvency
- insurance
- intellectual property 185, 325, 592
- international construction contracts 11
- international conventions and agreements, country accessions to 35–38
- interpretation see contract interpretation under local law and custom
- ipso facto 592
- Ireland
- 2013 Act 381, 382
- adjudication 387
- applicable laws 381–391
- Arbitration Act 2010 390
- bankruptcy 386
- BIM 368
- building control 380
- Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 382
- challenges 374
- close contacts 377
- constitutional structure 362
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 379–381
- construction industry 363–375
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 375–377
- consumers 379
- contract, common forms of 373
- contract, constraints on 379–381
- contract, construction of 385
- contract, formal requirements for 381
- contract, governing law of 379–381, 385–388
- contract, interpretation of 391
- contract, operation of 377–378, 388
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 391–392
- court system 362, 390
- COVID-19, impact of 375–378
- custom, local 391–392
- decennial liability 388
- design risk 384
- dispute determination 383, 390–391
- dispute resolution 373, 388, 390
- environment 380
- face coverings 376
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 367
- FIDIC General Conditions 381–383
- force majeure 386
- formal requirements for a construction contract 381
- frustration 386
- General Conditions 381–383
- governing law of the contract 379–381, 385–388
- government/private sector procurement 371
- ground condition risk 384
- guarantees under forms of security 386
- hardship 386
- health and safety 380
- indemnity 384
- innovation 368
- insolvency 386
Page 616
- interpretation of contract 391
- IP license and indemnity 384
- labour relations 366
- law, connection between Irish and English 385
- law, local 391–392
- law of the Site/Country 382, 388–390
- legal environment 362
- legal system 362
- liability 387
- licensing/registration 365
- Limitation Act 391
- limitation periods 387, 388
- liquidation 386
- local law or custom 391–392
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 367
- Particular Conditions 381–384
- payment disputes 379
- penalty clauses 392
- physical distancing 376
- planning and environment 380
- private sector procurement 371
- procurement 371
- Project Supervisors 382
- public procurement 371
- safety culture 367
- security 386
- setting out 384
- Site/Country, law of 382, 388–390
- Special Provisions 381–384
- Statute of Limitation 1957 (Limitation Act) 391
- structure, constitutional 362
- structure, construction industry 364
- tax, withholding 382
- technology/innovation/BIM 368
- unique features of the construction industry 375
- withholding tax 382
- Italy
- applicable laws 409–414
- BIM 400
- challenges 402
- common forms of contract 402
- constitutional structure 395
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 406
- construction industry 397–403
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 404
- contract, common forms of 402
- contract, constraints on 406
- contract, entry into 412
- contract, formal requirements 408
- contract, governing law of 406–408, 409, 412
- contract, impact of COVID-19 on 404
- contract, operation of 412
- contract, termination of 412, 413
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 414–416
- court system 396
- COVID-19, impact of 403–404
- custom, local 414–416
- deemed acceptance of Variations 414
- dispute determination 411, 414
- dispute resolution 402, 412
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 400
- FIDIC General Conditions 409–411
- formal requirements for a construction contract 408
- General Conditions 409–411
- governing law of the contract 406–408, 409, 412
- government/private sector procurement 401
- hardship 416
- innovation 400
- insurance requirements 401
- labour relations 400
- law, local 414–416
- law of the Site/Country 410, 412–413
- legal environment 395–396
- legal system 396
- licensing/registration 399
- local law or custom 414–416
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 400
- Particular Conditions 409–411
- private sector procurement 401
- procurement 401
- reorganisation, termination for 415
- safety culture 400
- Site/Country, law of 410, 412–413
- Special Provisions 409–411
- structure, constitutional 395
- structure, construction industry 398
- technology/innovation/BIM 400
- termination for reorganisation 415
- unique features of the construction industry 403
- Variations, deemed acceptance of 414
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 593
- JICA see Japan International Cooperation Agency
Page 617
- Juridictions de l’ordre administratif 593
- Juridictions de l’ordre judiciaire 230, 593
- jus cogens 305, 339–340, 346, 593
- labour laws
- Landgerichte 270, 593
- Landsretten 148, 593
- law of the forum 26, 57–58, 292, 593
- legal systems see civil law see common law
- legislation see applicable legislation
- lex arbitrii (curial law) 26, 59–60, 586, 593
- lex causae 314–315, 593
- lex constructionis 11–14
- lex fori 26, 58, 314, 593
- lex loci rei sitae 26, 593
- lex specialis 355, 594
- liability 387, 505, 540
- cessation of 301, 345, 531
- contractual 545
- decennial 115, 117, 388
- defects 283–285, 297–298, 428, 458–462, 506, 541
- Employer’s, cessation of 301, 345
- insurance 117
- joint and liability for tax and social security debts 118
- limitations of 159, 295, 350, 512, 545, 567
- nuisance, for 252, 508, 572 see also limitation periods; proportionate liability
- licensing of Contractors
- Licensing of professionals
- limitation of liability
- limitation periods
- liquidated damages
- liquidation
- local labour see labour laws
- local law and custom
- locatio conductio operis 270, 283–284, 594
- locatio operarum 269, 594
- locus regit actum 292, 594
- lois 229, 594
- Lois de police 242, 594
- loss, indirect or consequential 66, 296, 512, 545, 578
- lump sum contracts 160
- mandatory law 21, 34, 46–48, 57, 60–61, 594, 595
- Materials
- MDBs see multilateral development banks
- middelenverbintenis 117, 594
- misrepresentation
Page 618
- mora creditoris 287, 594
- mora debitoris 287, 594
- moral rights
- multilateral development banks (MDBs), FIDIC contracts usage 17
- natural justice (amiable compositeur) 198, 304, 315, 581
- negligence see gross negligence
- Netherlands, the
- applicable laws 426–430
- arbitration 421
- BIM 423
- constitutional structure 420
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 425
- construction industry, outline of 421–424
- construction participants, roles and obligations of 424
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 on 425
- contract 423
- contract, constraints on 425
- contract, entry into 427
- contract, formal requirements for 426
- contract, governing law of 425–428
- contract, impact of COVID-19 on 425
- contract, operation of 428
- contract, termination of 428, 429
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 430
- court system 421
- COVID-19, impact of 425
- defective work, liability for 428
- dispute determination 427, 430
- dispute resolution 424, 428, 429
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 423
- FIDIC General Conditions 426–427
- formal requirements for a construction contract 426
- General Conditions 426–427
- governing law of the contract 425–428
- government/private sector procurement 423
- innovation 423
- insurance requirements 423
- labour relations 422
- language 420
- law of the Site/Country 427–429
- legal environment 420–421
- legal system 420
- liability for defective work 428
- licensing and registration 422
- limitation periods 428
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 423
- Particular Conditions 426–427
- private sector procurement 423
- procurement 423
- safety culture 422
- Site/Country, law of 427–429
- Special Provisions 426–427
- structure, constitutional 420
- structure, construction industry 422
- technology/innovation/BIM 423
- New York Convention 35–36, 595
- non-mandatory law 21, 34, 57, 91, 117, 282, 595
- Norway
- agreed documents 441
- applicable laws 439–440, 448–449
- challenges with the use of FIDIC contracts 447
- constitutional structure 433
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 438
- construction industry 435
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 436
- contract, constraints on 438
- contract, difference between standard and FIDIC 445–447
- contract, entry into 448
- contract, formal requirements 438
- contract, governing law of 438–439, 448
- contract, impact of COVID-19 on 438
- contract, legal framework for 439
- contract, operation of 448
- contract, standard 444
- contract, statutory laws relevant to 440–442
- contract, termination of 448, 449
- contract, use in Norway 443–444
- contract law, use of general principles 442
- court system 434
- COVID-19, impact of 436–438
- damages 447
Page 619
- dispute resolution 434, 446, 448, 449
- FIDIC contracts, use in Norway 443–447
- FIDIC General Conditions 439–440
- formal requirements for a construction contract 438
- format 445
- General Conditions 439–440
- governing law of the contract 438–439, 448
- language 435
- law, general principles 442
- law, parties free to apply FIDIC contracts under 444
- law, statutory 440–442
- law of the Site/Country 439, 448–449
- legal framework for construction contracts 439
- legal system 433–435
- liquidated damages and penalties 447
- methodology 445
- Particular Conditions 439–440
- parties are free to apply FIDIC contracts 444
- penalties 447
- Site/Country, law of 439, 448–449
- size 445
- Special Provisions 439–440
- standard contracts 444–447
- statutory laws 440–442
- structure, constitutional 433
- notices of claim 157, 346, 410, 470
- Oberlandesgerichte 270, 595
- Obliegenheit 287, 595
- obligations de moyens 117, 595
- obligations de resultat 117, 595
- öffentliches Recht 268, 595
- operation of contract
- Austria 88, 96, 97
- Belgium 112, 119, 120
- Czech Republic 134, 140, 141
- Denmark 154, 161
- England 207, 217, 218
- France 239, 257, 260
- Germany 281, 313
- Greece 333, 353, 354
- Ireland 377, 388
- Italy 404, 412
- Netherlands 425, 428
- Norway 438, 448
- Portugal 465, 472
- Scotland 493, 507, 508
- Sweden 527, 540, 541
- Switzerland 560, 570–574
- Orange Book 1995 16, 42, 44, 580
- ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit 595
- ordre public 8, 57–58, 466, 595
- pacta sunt servanda 9
- Particular Conditions
- agreement to arbitrate, governing law as to 59
- choice of law 57
- Contract Data 19
- format of 69
- General Conditions and 20
- governing law of the contract 24, 57–59
- Part A - Contract Data 19
- Part B - Special Provisions 19
- preparation of 56–69
- priority over General Conditions 469
- reasons for 46–47
- Special Provisions 19, 60–68
- Particular Conditions, desirable Special Provisions in
- Particular Conditions, necessary Special Provisions in
- payments
- performance bank guarantees 258, 301
- performance security 297–298
- Plant
- Portugal
- allocation of ground risk 468
- applicable laws 468–474
- Audit Court 460
- bankruptcy 471
- challenges 463
- claims 470
- common forms of contract 462
- constitutional structure 452
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 466
- construction industry 455–463
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 on 463
- contract, common forms of 462
- contract, constraints on 466
- contract, entry into 472
- contract, formal requirements for 467
- contract, governing law of 466–470, 472
- contract, operation of 465, 472
- contract, private construction 458
- contract, public 459–460
- contract, termination of 472, 473
- contractors 456, 470
- contractors, foreign 457
- Contractor’s Claims 470
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 474
- court system 453
- COVID-19, impact of 463–465
- custom, local 474
- Defects Notification Period 468
- dispute determination 474
- dispute resolution 462, 472, 473
- documents, priority of 469
- Employers 470
- environment 471
- equipment, sale of 470
- FIDIC General Conditions 468–471
- foreign contractors 457
- formal requirements for a construction contract 467
- General Conditions 468–471
- governing law of the contract 466–470, 472
- ground risk, allocation of 468
- health and safety 470
- insolvency 471
- insurance requirements 461
- labour 471
- law, local 474
- law of the Site/Country 470–473
- legal environment 452–453
- legal system 453
- licensing requirements 456–457
- liquidation 471
- local law or custom 474
- Particular Conditions 468–471
- priority of documents 469
- private construction contracts 458
- procurement 459–460
- professional qualifications 457
- public contracts 459–460
- public sector procurement 459–460
- sale of equipment 470
- Site/Country, law of 470–473
- Special Provisions 468–471
- structure, constitutional 452
- subcontractors 470
- surplus material 470
- Temporary Works 470
- terms and conditions of public construction contracts 460
- wreckage 470
- PPP see Public Private Partnership
- price see costs
- PRIME 447, 596
- Privatrecht 268, 561–562, 566–567, 596
- procedural fairness 304
- procurement, private
- procurement, public
- Produktionsausfal 597
- professionals see licensing of professionals
- project requirements, Particular Conditions 65
Page 621
- proper law of the contract 10
- Public Private Partnership (PPP) 580, 596
- public procurement see procurement, public
- qualifications, Engineers’ 458
- rainbow suite 19–36
- rebus sic stantibus 13, 597
- reception 247–248, 283, 298, 301, 581, 597
- réception des travaux 247, 597
- rechtsmisbruik 114, 123, 597
- reckless misconduct 350, 531, 537, 545, 567
- Red Book 1977 16, 44, 580
- Red Book 1987 16, 42, 44, 580, 601
- Red Book 1999 16–17, 41–42, 44, 52, 580–581, 597, 601
- Red Book 2017 16, 18–20, 41, 44, 52, 580–581, 597, 601
- référé 254, 598
- référé préventif 231, 598
- Relationstechnik 315, 598
- Responsabilité Civile Décennale 249, 598
- resultaatsverbintenis 117, 598
- Retention Money 140, 298, 301, 598
- risk
- Rome I 8, 58–59, 598
- Rome II 210, 292, 310, 312, 598
- safety see health and safety
- Schiedsgutachten 279, 304–305, 576, 599
- scope of work, variation of see Variations
- Scotland
- adjacent property, work affecting 508
- adjudication 497
- anti-corruption measures 487
- applicable laws 499–511
- arbitration 506, 510, 515
- assignation of debts 502
- bankruptcy 504
- businesses, support for 492
- challenges 488
- close contacts 490
- collaborative behaviour 493
- common forms of contract 487
- competition 487
- concurrent delay 513
- constitutional structure 478
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 495–498
- construction industry 479–488
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 on 488–492
- construction sites, operation of 489–492
- contract, collaborative behaviour in 493
- contract, common forms 487
- contract, constraints on 495–498
- contract, construction of 501
- contract, formal requirements for 498
- contract, governing law of 495–498, 501–507
- contract, operation of 493, 507, 508
- contract, standard form 493
- contract, termination of 493
- contract law, background to 501
- copyright 503
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 511–516
- court system 479
- COVID-19, impact of 488–495
- custom, local 511–516
- damages 513
- debts, assignation of 502
- defective work 506
- delay 513
- design rights 503
- dispute determination 500, 510–511
Page 622
- duty to warn 515
- entitlement to additional time and money 493
- face coverings 489
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 483
- FIDIC General Conditions 499–500
- force majeure 503
- formal requirements for a construction contract 498
- frustration 503
- General Conditions 499–500
- governing law of the contract 495–499, 501–507
- guarantees under forms of security 502
- hardship 504
- health and safety 498
- Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (HGCRA) 495–498
- implied terms 514
- innovation 484
- insolvency 504
- insurance 487, 506
- interest 497
- labour relations 481
- law, local 511–516
- law of the Site/Country 498–499, 508–510
- legal environment 478–479
- legal system 478
- liability 505, 506, 508, 512
- licensing/registration 480
- liens, use of 502
- limitation 514
- limitation of liability 512
- limitation periods 504
- liquidation 504
- local law or custom 511–516
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 483
- money, additional 493
- moral rights 503
- nuisance, liability for 508
- offsite materials 498
- operation of construction sites 489–492
- pandemic, immediate response to 488
- Particular Conditions 499–500
- payment 496
- physical distancing 490
- prescription 514
- private sector procurement 486
- procurement 486–487
- public procurement 486
- rights, design 503
- rights, moral 503
- rights, statutory 506
- safety culture 482
- security 502
- self-isolation 490
- Site/Country, law of 498, 508–510
- Special Provisions 499–500
- standard form contracts 493
- statutory rights 506
- structure, constitutional 478
- structure, construction industry 480
- supply chain 491
- technology 484
- terms, implied 514
- time, additional 493
- travel 491
- use of liens 502
- warn, duty to 515
- work affecting adjacent property 508
- workers, support for 492
- security of payment 4, 91
- separability see doctrine of separability
- Silver Book 1999 16, 41–42, 44, 52, 580–581, 596–597, 599
- Silver Book 2017 16, 20, 41, 44, 52, 580–581, 596–597, 599
- Simvoulio tis Epikratias 323, 333, 599
- Special Provisions see Particular Conditions
- stamp duty 18
- stare decisis 5, 599
- statute of limitations see limitation periods
- Subcontractors
- surplus Materials, sale of
Page 623
- applicable laws 530–544
- arbitration 537
- assignment 531
- BIM 522
- binding decisions 536
- building 532s
- cessation of liability 531
- challenges 525
- common forms of contract 523
- constitutional structure 519
- constraints on the governing law of the contract 528
- construction industry 520–526
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 on 526
- contract, common forms of 523
- contract, constraints on 528
- contract, entry into 540
- contract, formal requirements for 529
- contract, governing law of 528–529, 539–541
- contract, interpretation of 530
- contract, operation of 527, 540, 541
- contract, termination of 541
- Contracts Act 545
- contractual liability 545
- court or arbitrator may construe differently 545–546
- court system 519
- COVID-19, impact of 526–527
- custom, local 545–546
- damage, environmental 535
- damages, liquidated 537
- decisions, final and binding 536
- defective work 541
- dispute determination 536–537, 544
- dispute resolution 525, 541, 544
- electric personnel ledger 539
- engineers 536
- environment, work 534
- environmental damage 535
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 522
- FIDIC General Conditions 530–537
- final and binding decisions 536
- force majeure 539
- formal requirements for a construction contract 529
- General Conditions 530–537
- good faith 546
- governing law of the contract 528–529, 539–541
- government/private sector procurement 522
- innovation 522
- insurance requirements 523
- interpretation of contract 530
- labour relations 521
- law, local 545–546
- law of the Site/Country 532–535, 541–544
- legal environment 519
- legal system 519
- liability 531, 540, 541, 545
- licensing/registration 521
- limitation of liability 545
- liquidated damages 537
- local law or custom 545–546
- misrepresentation 546
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 522
- Particular Conditions 530–539
- planning and building 532
- private sector procurement 522
- procurement 522
- right to arbitration can be lost 537
- safety culture 522
- Site/Country, law of 532–535, 541–544
- Special Provisions 530–539
- structure, constitutional 519
- structure, construction industry 520
- technology/innovation/BIM 522
- termination 538, 541
- unique features of the construction industry 526
- work environment 534
- Switzerland
- adjacent property, work affecting 572
- administration of professionals 570
- applicable laws 563–576
- BIM 556
- building and construction permits 573
- challenges 558
- common forms of contract 557
- constitutional structure 552
- constraints on the governing law of a construction contract 561
- construction industry 554–558
- construction permits 573
- construction projects, impact of COVID-19 on 559
- construction work, execution and standard of 573
- contract, common forms of 557
- contract, constraints on 561
- contract, entry into 569
- contract, formal requirements 562
- contract, governing law of 561–562, 563, 569–570
- contract, interpretation of 577
- contract, operation of 560, 570–574
Page 624
- contractors 571
- copyright 572
- court or arbitrator may construe 577–578
- court system 553
- COVID-19, impact of 559–560
- custom, local 577–578
- damages 566
- defects, rectification of 565
- Delay Damages 566
- design/moral rights/copyright 572
- dispute determination 563, 576
- dispute resolution 557, 570, 574, 576
- duty of loyalty 578
- Employer 565
- Enforcement of Notice requirements 578
- Engineer, role of 578
- environment 573
- execution of construction work 573
- Extension of Time 564
- factory fabricated components, modular construction 556
- FIDIC General Conditions 563
- formal requirements for a construction contract 562
- General Conditions 563
- governing law of the contract 561–562, 563, 569–570
- government/private sector procurement 557
- health and safety 574
- heritage/landscape 573
- innovation 556
- insurance requirements 557
- interpretation of contract 577
- labour 555, 571
- landscape 573
- law, local 577–578
- law of the Site/Country 563, 570–576
- legal environment 552–553
- legal system 552
- liability 567, 572
- licensing/registration 555, 571
- liens, use of 571
- limitation of liability 567
- local law or custom 577–578
- loyalty, duty of 578
- modular construction using factory fabricated components 556
- moral rights 572
- nuisance 572
- Particular Conditions 563–568
- permits 573
- planning 572
- private sector procurement 557
- procurement 557
- professionals, registration and administration 570
- rectification of defects 565
- registration and administration of professionals 570
- registration/licencing of contractors and subcontractors 571
- rights, moral 572
- safety culture 555
- Site/Country, law of 563, 570–576
- Special Provisions 563–568
- standard of construction work 573
- standard for determining the duration of an Extension of Time 564
- structure, constitutional 552
- structure, construction industry 554
- subcontractors 571
- technology/innovation/BIM 556
- termination 568, 570, 575
- unique features of the construction industry 558
- use of liens 571
- work affecting adjacent property to the Site/liability for nuisance 572
- Works, Employer’s taking over of 565
- synallagmatic contract 270, 600
- taxation
- Temporary Works, sale of
- tenders 19, 132, 175, 275, 334, 372, 463, 486, 557
- underground Works see underground works
- termination
- Austria 96, 98
- Belgium 120, 121
- Czech Republic 140, 141, 142
- Denmark 157, 161, 162
- England 217, 218, 221
- France 245, 252, 257, 260, 261
- Germany 285, 312, 314
- Greece 345, 353
- ipso facto 592
- Italy 394, 413, 415
- Netherlands 428, 429
- Norway 448, 449
Page 625
- Scotland 493
- Sweden 538, 541, 544
- Switzerland 568, 570
- testing apparatus, equipment and instruments, calibration of 98, 142, 220, 303, 313, 413, 507
- third parties
- time
- Tribunal des Conflits 230, 600
- Tribunaux de commerce 231, 600
- udviklingsskader 156, 600
- ultima ratio 600
- UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985 (UNCITRAL Model Law)
- underground works 16, 41, 44, 588
- unfair contract terms 217, 513
- UNIDROIT 8–9, 14, 37, 59, 305, 531, 562, 600
- Variations
- vente d’immeuble à construire 243, 601
- vente d’immeuble à rénover 243, 601
- Verkehrssitte 316, 601
- vermögensrechtlicher Anspruch 304, 601