FIDIC Contracts in Africa and the Middle East
Page 441
- Abrahamson Principles 12, 50, 423
- Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC) 358, 423
- Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) 350, 423
- Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) 357, 424
- Abu Dhabi Municipality (ADM) 361–362
- Accepted Contract Amount 404, 418
- adhesion contract 424
- ADR see 1164
- Advance Payment Certificate 424
- Advance Payment Guarantee 424
- African Development Bank (AfDB) 238
- Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA) 37
- alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 86, 208, 228–229, 245, 333, 424
- see also dispute resolution
- amiable compositeur 403, 424
- Angola
- applicable legislation 96–97
- common forms of contract 86
- constitutional structure 76–77
- construction industry overview 79–88
- Contractor's claims 93–94
- court system 78–79
- COVID-19 in 88–90
- current challenges 88
- defects notification period 92
- dispute resolution 86–88
- environment 95
- FIDIC General Conditions 92–94
- foreign investment 81
- governing law of the contract 90–91
- insurance requirements 85
- labour 94–95
- legal system 77–78
- licensing requirements for contractors 80–81
- oil and gas sector, local content requirements in 85–86
- Particular Conditions 94–95
- private construction contracts 82
- professional qualifications 82
- public sector procurement and public contracts 82–84
- Special Provisions 94–95
- subcontractors 94
- surplus materials 95
- Temporary Works, sale of 95
- wreckage, sale of 95
- AOA 79–80
- Appendix to Tender 50
- applicable law
- governing law of the contract 24–25
- impact of laws 34–35
- intersection of local laws with governing law of the contract 25
- laws applicable to arbitration of dispute 26–27
- laws applicable to execution of construction project 26
- laws with extra-territorial reach 25–26
- mandatory law 21
- non-mandatory law 21
- Particular Conditions see 1981
- Yellow Book 2017 provisions on 22–24governing law of the contract
- applicable legislation
- Angola 96–97
- Egypt 135–139
- Ethiopia 162–165
- Jordan 198–200
- Kenya 226–231
- Nigeria 271–277
- South Africa 310–314
- Türkiye 344–345
- United Arab Emirates 370–375
- Zambia 412–417
- arbitration
- applicable law 26–27
- Egypt 116–117
- Jordan 179–180
- Kenya 225–226
- Türkiye 333
- Zambia 396–398enforcement of foreign judgments
- Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA) 313, 412
- Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) 240
- Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) 214
- architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry 212
- artificial intelligence (AI) 330
- Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects (ATCEA) 334
- bankruptcy
- Angola 97
- Egypt 137, 138
- Ethiopia 163
- Jordan 197, 198
- Kenya 227
- Nigeria 272, 276
- South Africa 310
- United Arab Emirates 370
- Zambia 412
- banks
- multilateral development banks 17, 245, 392
- performance bank guarantees 436
- Base Date 307, 404
- BaTCoDA 424
- behaviour see conduct
- best practice, promotion of 12–13
- Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 160
- bill of quantities (BoQ) 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 155
- BIM see 1261
- Blue-Green Book 16, 43, 425
- Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors (BORAQS) 211
- bonos mores 339
- borrower 245, 249
- breach of contract
- damages for 9
- building information modelling system (BIM)
- Egypt 108
- Ethiopia 151
- Jordan 176–177
- Kenya 212
- Türkiye 329–330
- United Arab Emirates 356
- Zambia 392
- Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) 214
- Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) 239, 242, 244
- Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) 109, 412
- CAR insurance 178, 244
- casus fortuitus 299, 300
- causa 114, 116
- Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) 111
- Centro de Resolução Extrajudicial de Litígios (CREL) 86
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) 247
- Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) 254
- choice of law
- Egypt 115–116
- generally 10–11
- Jordan 190
- Nigeria 255
- Particular Conditions 57–60
- Türkiye 338
- see also applicable law
- CISG 36
- civil law
- differences to common law 5–6
- Egypt 101
- Ethiopia 144
- freedom of contract 8
- Jordan 170–171
- public policy (ordre public) 8
- system of 5
- Türkiye 320
- United Arab Emirates 349–350
- Common Court of Justice and Arbitration Centre (CCJA) 412
- common forms of contract
- Angola 86
- Egypt 109–110
- Ethiopia 154–155
- Jordan 178–179
- Kenya 213–215
- Nigeria 244–245
- Türkiye 331–332
- United Arab Emirates 358
- common law
- differences to civil law 5–6
- Ethiopia 144
- Jordan 196
- Kenya 208
- Nigeria 236
- South Africa 284, 301
- Türkiye 339
- Zambia 382
- Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) 153
- Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) 418
- compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 104
- concursus creditorum 309
- consequential loss or damage see 1712
- constitutional structure
- Angola 76–77
- Egypt 101
- Ethiopia 143–144
- Jordan 170
- Kenya 206–207
- Nigeria 235–236
- South Africa 283
- Türkiye 320
- United Arab Emirates 348–349
- Zambia 381
- Constitution of the Republic of Angola (CRA) 76
- construction contract
- Egypt 119–120
- construction contracts
- choice of law (proper law) 9–11
- civil law 5–6
- common law 5–6
- contract law 6
- definition 3
- distinction from other commercial contracts 3
- entry see 1575
- freedom of contract 6–9
- frustration see 1663
- international construction contracts 11
- legal systems 5–6
- operation see 1976
- overview 3–5
- pacta sunt servanda 9
- termination see 2128
- uniqueness 5, 47
- Variations see 2196
- FIDIC contracts
- Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) 289
- construction industry overviews
- Angola 79–88
- Egypt 104–112
- Ethiopia 146–158
- Jordan 171–183
- Kenya 209–215
- Nigeria 237–249
- South Africa 286–297
- Türkiye 321–336
- United Arab Emirates 352–360
- Zambia 387–398current challenges for construction industry
- construction industry regulatory frameworks 360
- Construction Material Manufacturers Association of Türkiye (IMSAD) 335
- contra bonos mores 302
- contract agreements 19, 425
- Contract Data see 1981
- contract forms in common use 86
- Egypt 154–155
- Ethiopia 154
- Jordan 178–179
- Kenya 213–215
- Nigeria 244–245
- South Africa 294–295
- Türkiye 331–332
- United Arab Emirates 358
- Zambia 395–396construction contracts;FIDIC contracts
- contract interpretation under local law and custom
- Egypt 139–140
- Ethiopia 165–166
- Jordan 200–203
- Nigeria 277–280
- South Africa 314–317
- United Arab Emirates 375–376
- Zambia 417–420
- contract law 6
- contract liquidation
- Egypt 137
- Ethiopia 163
- Jordan 197, 198
- Kenya 227
- Nigeria 272, 276
- South Africa 310
- United Arab Emirates 370
- Zambia 412
- Contractors
- Claims 12, 15 32–33, 93–94, 132, 196, 201, 301, 316
- foreign 81, 148, 196, 209, 210, 230, 389, 393–394
- general obligations 124
- indemnities by 266, 395
- licensing requirements 80–81
- limitation of liability 191–192, 315
- obligations in EPC Silver Book 61
- pledge in favour of 262
- registration/licensing 80–81
- sale of equipment by Employer 95
- securities for 306licensing of Contractors
- Contractor's Equipment, sale of 95
- Contract Participants 49
- contract termination 24
- Corpus Iuris Civilis 5
- corruption see anti-corruption laws
- costs, adjustments
- generally 67, 223–224
- Council for National and International Commercial Arbitration in India (CNICA) 57
- Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) 239, 247
- Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria (CORBON) 240, 247
- Country Procurement Assessment Report (CPAR) 242
- court proceedings 9, 26, 219, 229, 351, 364, 416
- court system
- Angola 78–79
- Egypt 102–104
- Ethiopia 145–146
- Jordan 171
- Kenya 208–209
- Nigeria 237
- South Africa 285–286
- Türkiye 320–321
- United Arab Emirates 350–352
- Zambia 382–387
- COVID-19
- Angola 88–90
- claims arising under FIDIC contracts 32–34
- dispute resolution 34
- economic measures 32
- Egypt 112–115
- Ethiopia 158–159
- execution of construction projects 31
- government responses 27–29
- impact on construction 29–31
- Jordan 183–189
- Kenya 215–219
- Nigeria 250–255
- operation of contract 32
- South Africa 298–302
- Türkiye 336–338
- United Arab Emirates 360–363
- Zambia 398–402
- curial law (lex arbitrii) 26, 59, 426
- current challenges for construction industry
- Angola 88
- Egypt 111–112
- Ethiopia 157
- Nigeria 248–249
- Türkiye 334–335
- United Arab Emirates 359–360
- Zambia 398
- customary law 236–237
- DAAB see 1492
- DAB see 1487
- damage, indirect or consequential 66, 315
- damages
- breach of contract 375
- delays, for 60, 129, 161–162, 194, 201, 308–309, 315, 340, 419, 427
- liquidated damages 60, 129–131, 135, 340, 366, 376
- Data, Contract see 1981
- decennial liability 366
- deceptive conduct see conduct
- deed 192, 258, 268
- defects
- liability 4, 86, 138, 164, 192–193, 343, 366–367
- notification periods 20, 49, 92, 192–194, 367, 427
- delayed payments, financing charges in 194
- delict 315
- Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) 251
- dépeçage 118
- Design-Build-Operate (DBO) 214
- development aid see 1761
- Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety Services (DOSHS) 211
- Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) 51, 133, 179, 334
- arbitration 51
- decisions 202–203, 341
- dispute resolution 179
- Jordan 179, 202–203
- Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAAB) 51
- arbitration 53, 266
- decisions 202–203, 341
- dispute resolution 179
- failure to appoint members 25
- Jordan 179, 202–203
- Dispute Boards (DB) 51
- Egypt 111, 133
- Türkiye 333–334
- dispute resolution
- alternative 86, 208, 228–229, 245, 333, 424
- Angola 86–88
- applicable law 34
- Covid-19-related claims 34
- Egypt 111
- Ethiopia 155–156
- Jordan 179–183
- multi-tiered clauses 358
- Nigeria 245–248
- Türkiye 332–334
- United Arab Emirates 358–359
- Zambia 396–398arbitration;enforcement of foreign judgments
- doctrine of separability 26, 27
- Dubai Development Authority (DDA) 361
- Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) 358
- Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) 350
- Egypt
- applicable laws 134–135
- applicable legislation 135–139
- common forms of contract 109–110
- conflict of law rules 117–118
- constitutional structure 101
- construction contract 119–120
- construction industry overview 104–112
- contractual clauses 140
- court system 102–104
- COVID-19 112–115
- current challenges 111–112
- dispute resolution 111
- governing law of the contract 115–120, 135–136
- government/private sector procurement 108
- institutional arbitration 116–117
- insurance requirements 109
- labour relations 106
- legal system 101–102
- lex causae 116
- licensing/registration 105–106
- modular construction 107
- Particular Conditions 120–134
- safety culture 107
- Special Provisions 120–134
- technology/innovation/BIM 108
- Egyptian Society for Consulting Engineers (ESCONE) 109
- Electronic Government Procurement System (E-GP System) 392
- Emerald Book 16
- Golden Principles 20–21
- Employers
- cessation of liability 192
- FIDIC Conditions of Contract 16, 43
- Particular Conditions as to preferences 16, 43, 95
- sale of Contractor's Equipment, surplus material, wreckage and Temporary Works 95, 202, 262–263
- Special Provisions necessary or desirable for preferences of 66–68
- termination by 202
- Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC) 208
- enforcement of foreign judgments
- Jordan 180–181
- Engineering Institute of Zambia (EIZ) 390
- Engineering Offices Commission (EOC) 171
- Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) contract 4, 15, 429
- Engineer Procure and Construct (EPC) contract 4, 429
- Engineers
- decisions as final and binding 202–203
- dissatisfaction with determinations of 267, 410
- Ethiopia 161
- exercise of duties 161, 405
- instructions by 22, 63, 65
- Kenya 210
- qualifications 82
- role of 131, 223, 341–342, 401
- Türkiye 341–342
- Engineers’ Board of Kenya (EBK) 210
- enterprise resource planning (ERP) 329
- entry into contract
- Angola 96
- Egypt 137
- Ethiopia 162
- Jordan 198
- Kenya 226
- Nigeria 271
- South Africa 310
- Turkish 344
- United Arab Emirates 370
- Zambia 412
- environmental laws
- Kenya 225
- EOT see 1621
- Equipment
- sale of 95, 202, 262–263
- testing apparatus, equipment and instruments, calibration of 164, 275, 312, 414
- Ethiopia
- applicable legislation 162–165
- common forms of contract 154–155
- constitutional structure 143–144
- construction industry overview 146–158
- court system 145–146
- COVID-19 158–159
- current challenges 157
- dispute resolution 155–156
- governing law of the contract 159–160, 162–163
- government/private sector procurement 151–153
- insurance requirements 154
- labour relations 149
- legal system 144
- licensing/registration 147–149
- modular construction 150
- Particular Conditions 160–162
- safety culture 149–150
- Special Provisions 160–162
- technology/innovation/BIM 151
- Ethiopian Construction Practice Norm (ECPN) 158
- Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) 156
- ex aequo et bono 401, 403
- Exceptional Events (Force Majeure)
- Türkiye 342–343
- Zambia 400
- exceptio non adempleti contractus 140
- exequatur 133
- expanded polystyrene (EPS) 212
- extension of time (EOT) clauses 32, 218, 279, 301, 302, 400
- extra-territoriality, applicable law and 25–26
- fair and balanced contracts
- Golden Principles 45–47
- Federal Capital Territory (FCT) 235
- Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2018 (FCCPA) 243
- Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) 243
- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) 143
- Federal Executive Council (FEC) 242
- Federation 105
- Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI) 239
- FIDIC contracts
- aims of book 38–39
- contract agreement 18
- contract documents 18, 19
- General Conditions 20
- JICA usage see 1761
- MDB use of 17–18
- order of precedence of documents 66
- overview 15–17
- Particular Conditions see 1981
- rainbow suite 19
- Special Provisions 19–20
- subcontracts 16
- Underground Works see 1547
- FIDIC Golden Principles see 1668
- Final Payment Certificate (FPC) 259
- financing charges in delayed payments 194, 201
- force majeure
- Angola 89–90
- Egypt 114, 137
- Ethiopia 162, 163
- Jordan 198
- Kenya 227
- Nigeria 252–253, 271
- Türkiye 342–343
- Zambia 400–401exceptional events
- Foreign Investment Regulator (AIPEX) 81
- foreign judgments see 1557
- fraude à la loi 118
- freedom of contract 6–9
- frustrated contracts 271
- General Condition of Contract (GCC) 161
- General Conditions (GCs) 48
- General Conditions of Contract for Construction Works (GCC 2015) 294
- Gold Book 16
- Golden Principles (GPs)
- consistency with 52–54
- fair and balanced contracts 45–47
- overview 20–21, 47–49
- purpose of 38
- reasons for 49–51
- risk allocation 45–49, 50
- use of 53
- good faith
- Egypt 134
- Ethiopia 165
- Jordan 196, 200
- South Africa 304–306, 315
- Zambia 417–418
- governing law of the contract
- Angola 90–91
- Egypt 115–120, 135–136
- Ethiopia 159–160, 162–163
- Jordan 190–191
- Kenya 219–221, 226–227
- Nigeria 255–259, 271–273
- South Africa 302–304
- Türkiye 338–339, 344
- United Arab Emirates 363–365, 370–371
- Zambia 402–403, 412
- government procurement see 2031procurement, public
- Green Book 16, 43
- gross negligence 191, 192
- ground risks, allocation of 92–93
- Hague Principles 56
- hardship 32
- Head Contract 3
- health and safety 22
- Egypt 113
- Ethiopia 149
- Jordan 196
- Kenya 216
- Türkiye 336–337
- House of People's Representatives (HPR) 145
- Imperial Highway Authority (IHA) 156
- implied terms
- Egypt 140
- Kenya 220
- income tax 64, 173
- indirect or consequential loss or damage 66, 315
- information and communication technology (ICT) 146–147
- information technology (IT) 329
- Infrastructure Action Plan (IAP) 238
- Infrastructure Concession and Regulatory Commission (ICRC) 238
- innovation
- Egypt 108
- Ethiopia 151
- Jordan 176–177
- Kenya 212
- Türkiye 329–330
- United Arab Emirates 356
- Zambia 392
- in rem claims 26
- insolvency
- Egypt 137
- Ethiopia 163
- Jordan 197, 198
- Kenya 227
- Nigeria 272, 276
- South Africa 310
- United Arab Emirates 370
- Zambia 412
- Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) 244
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) 88
- Instituto Regulador da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas (IRCCOP) 80
- insurance
- Angola 85
- by contractor 24
- Egypt 109
- Ethiopia 154
- Jordan 177–178
- Kenya 213, 224
- Nigeria 244
- Türkiye 331
- United Arab Emirates 357
- Zambia 395
- intellectual property
- Jordan 176
- Nigeria 265–266
- Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) 259
- International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) 180
- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 180, 266
- international construction contract 11
- international conventions and agreements, country accessions to 34–38
- International Labour Organization (ILO) 149, 252
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) 111
- interpretation see 1384
- ipso facto 133
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 17
- documents, availability of 18, 47
- FIDIC Golden Principles, and 47–48
- JICA see 1761
- joint and several liability 64, 376
- Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) 244
- Jordan
- applicable legislation 198–200
- common forms of contract 178–179
- constitutional structure 170
- construction industry overview 171–183
- court system 171
- COVID-19 183–189
- dispute resolution 179–183
- governing law of the contract 190–191
- government/private sector procurement 177
- insurance requirements 177–178
- labour relations 174–175
- legal system 170–171
- licensing/registration 173–174
- modular construction 176
- Particular Conditions 191–197
- safety culture 175–176
- Special Provisions 191–197
- technology/innovation/BIM 176–177
- Jordanian Construction Contractors Association (JCCA) 172
- Kenya
- applicable legislation 226–231
- common forms of contract 213–215
- constitutional structure 206–207
- construction industry overview 209–215
- court system 208–209
- COVID-19 215–219
- governing law of the contract 219–221, 226–227
- government/private sector procurement 212–213
- insurance requirements 213
- labour relations 211
- legal system 207–208
- licensing of Contractors 210–211
- modular construction 212
- Particular Conditions 221–226
- safety culture 211–212
- Special Provisions 221–226
- technology/innovation/BIM 212
- Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) 217
- Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC) 412
- labour laws
- Angola 94–95
- Egypt 106
- Ethiopia 149
- Jordan 174–175
- Kenya 211
- Nigeria 240–241
- Türkiye 327–328
- United Arab Emirates (UAE) 354–355
- law of the forum 26
- Law on Voluntary Arbitration (LAV) 78
- Legal Affairs Department of the Government of Dubai (LAD) 368
- legal system
- Angola 77–78
- Egypt 101–102
- Ethiopia 144
- Jordan 170–171
- Kenya 207–208
- Nigeria 236–237
- South Africa 284
- Türkiye 320
- United Arab Emirates 349–350
- Zambia 381–382
- see also civil law; common law
- legislation see 1210
- lex arbitrii (curial law) 26, 59, 426
- lex causae 114, 116
- lex constructionis 11–15
- concept 11–12
- principles of 13
- promotion of best practice for successful projects 12–13
- lex fori 26
- lex loci rei sitae 26
- liability 64, 66
- Angola 96, 97
- cessation of 192
- contractual 121, 303
- decennial 366
- defects 82, 84, 86, 91, 138, 192–194, 276, 343, 366–367, 407
- Egypt 137
- Employer's, cessation of 192
- Ethiopia 163
- insurance 85, 178, 193, 331
- Jordan 191–194
- limitations of 66, 84, 120, 122, 131, 191–192, 315, 367, 420
- Nigeria 272, 277
- nuisance, for 97
- South Africa 315
- Türkiye 343
- United Arab Emirates 366–367, 369, 376
- Zambia 420limitation periods;proportionate liability
- licensing of Contractors
- Angola 80–81
- Egypt 105–106
- Ethiopia 147–149
- Jordan 173–174
- Kenya 210–211
- Nigeria 239–240
- Türkiye 322–326
- United Arab Emirates 352–354
- Zambia 389–390
- limitation periods
- Angola 97
- Egypt 137, 139
- Ethiopia 163, 165
- Jordan 198, 200
- Kenya 227, 228
- Nigeria 267–269, 272, 277
- South Africa 310, 312, 314
- United Arab Emirates 367
- Zambia 412, 415, 420
- limited liability company (LLC) 210
- liquidated damages
- Egypt 129–131, 135
- South Africa 308
- Turkish 340
- United Arab Emirates 366, 376
- liquidation
- Egypt 137
- Ethiopia 163
- Jordan 197, 198
- Kenya 227
- Nigeria 272, 276
- South Africa 310
- United Arab Emirates 370
- Zambia 412
- litigation
- Türkiye 332
- Zambia 396
- Local Content Law (LCL) 85
- local labour see 1807
- local law and custom
- contract interpretation see 1384
- locatio conductio operis 316
- lois de police 118
- London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) 180, 359
- loss, indirect or consequential 66, 315
- lump sum contracts 197
- mandament van spolie 306
- mandatory law 21
- Materials
- ownership of 23, 67, 164, 201–202, 276, 307–308, 315
- surplus Materials, sale of 95, 202, 262–263
- MDBs see 1930
- micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) 395
- Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development (MIHUD) 389
- Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) 178
- Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction (MUDHCo) 158
- Ministry of Work and Urban Development (MoWUD) 156
- Ministry of Work and Urban Development Standard Conditions of Contract for Construction of Civil Work Projects 1994 (MoWUD 1994) 156
- misrepresentation
- Jordan 192
- South Africa 307
- Zambia 417
- moral rights
- Angola 96
- Egypt 138
- Ethiopia 164
- Jordan 199
- Nigeria 273
- South Africa 311
- Zambia 413
- Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) 245
- Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), FIDIC contracts usage 17
- Muqawala 364, 365
- national competitive bidding (NCB) 148
- National Concessionaire Angolan Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG) 85
- National Construction Authority (NCA) 209
- National Council for Construction (NCC) 389
- National Council of Public Procurement (NCPP) 242
- National Housing Authority (NHA) 389
- National Housing Corporation (NHC) 212
- National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) 150
- natural justice (amiable compositeur) 403
- negligence see 1695
- Nigeria
- applicable legislation 271–277
- ‘claims’ and disputes 267–269
- common forms of contract 244–245
- constitutional structure 235–236
- construction industry overview 237–249
- court system 237
- COVID-19 250–255
- current challenges 248–249
- dispute resolution 245–248
- governing law of the contract 255–259, 271–273
- insurance requirements 244
- labour relations 240–241
- legal system 236–237
- licensing/registration 239–240
- limitation period 277
- modular construction 241–242
- Particular Conditions 259–270
- procurement 242–244
- safety culture 241
- Special Provisions 259–270
- Nigeria Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) 251
- Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) 240
- Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB) 240
- Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS) 240
- Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) 240
- Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) 238
- Nigeria Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) 251
- non-mandatory law 21, 34, 224
- Notice of Dissatisfaction (NOD) 267
- occupational safety and health (OSH) 241
- Open International Bidding (OIB) 393
- Open National Bidding (ONB) 393
- operation of contract 137
- Orange Book 1995 16, 423
- ordre public 8, 57, 91, 118
- Ouagadougou Arbitration and Mediation and Conciliation Centre (OAMCC) 412
- pacta sunt servanda 9
- Particular Conditions
- agreement to arbitrate, governing law as to 58–59
- choice of law 57
- Contract Data 19–20
- format of 68–69
- General Conditions and 20
- governing law of the contract 24–25
- Part A – Contract Data 19–20
- Part B – Special Provisions 20
- preparation of 56–69
- reasons for 47
- Special Provisions 20, 60–61
- Particular Conditions (PCs) 48
- Particular Conditions, desirable Special Provisions in
- Angola 94–95
- Egypt 134–135
- Jordan 196–197
- Kenya 224–226
- Nigeria 267–270
- South Africa 310
- Türkiye 341–344
- United Arab Emirates 369–370
- Zambia 411–412
- Particular Conditions, necessary Special Provisions in
- Angola 92–94
- Egypt 120–134
- Ethiopia 160–162
- Jordan 191–195
- Kenya 221–224
- Nigeria 259–267
- South Africa 304–309
- Türkiye 339–341
- United Arab Emirates 336–369
- Zambia 403–411
- payments
- claims for 316
- final 407
- interim 316
- security of see 2073
- performance security 260–261
- personal protective equipment (PPE) 33, 251
- PI insurance 178
- Pink Book 16
- Plant
- ownership of 23, 201–202, 307–308, 315
- PPP see 522
- Prefabricated Building Parts Production Enterprise (PBPPE) 150
- price see 1420
- Private Investment Project (PIP) 81
- private procurement see 372private
- procurement, private
- Ethiopia 153
- Nigeria 243–244
- Türkiye 330
- procurement, public 82–83
- Nigeria 242–243
- Türkiye 330–331
- project requirements, Special Provisions 64–66
- proper law see 1279
- proper law of the contract 9–11
- proportionate liability 376
- Public Contracts Law (PCL) 77
- public policy (ordre public)
- civil law 8
- freedom of contract 7–10
- mandatory law 21
- proper law of the Contract 10
- Public Private Partnership (PPP) 15, 214, 238
- Public Procurement Agency (PPA) 147
- Public Procurement Agency Standard Conditions of Construction Contract 2011 147, 154, 155, 156, 161, 162
- Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act No. 33 of 2015 (PPADA Act) 213
- Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) 213
- Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) 213
- Quantity Surveyors Registration Board (QSRB) 390
- Quantity Surveyors Registration Board of Nigeria (QSRBN) 240
- rainbow suite 17, 19
- rebus sic stantibus 13
- reckless misconduct 191
- Red Book 1977 16, 423
- Red Book 1987 16, 110, 125, 423
- Red Book 1999 16, 17, 51, 110, 113, 121, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 178, 244, 358, 423
- Red Book 2017 16, 19, 161, 195, 301, 369, 423
- Response Tracker 27
- Retention Money 67, 96, 137, 163, 198, 227, 271
- risk
- Golden Principles 45–49, 50
- ground risks, allocation of 92–93
- JICA 18, 47
- Road Development Agency (RDA) 389
- Rome I 8, 58
- safety see 1700
- scope of work, variation of see 2196
- security of payment 4
- separability see 1515
- Serviço Nacional de Contratação Pública (SNCP) 83
- Silver Book 1999 16, 51, 178, 244, 358, 423
- Silver Book 2017 16, 423
- order of precedence of documents 19
- Small Claims Court (SCC) 383
- Small Enterprise Financing Agency (SEFA) 299
- South Africa
- applicable legislation 310–314
- constitutional structure 283
- construction industry overview 286–297
- court system 285–286
- COVID-19 298–302
- governing law of the contract 302–304
- legal system 284
- Particular Conditions 304–310
- Special Provisions 304–310
- South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) 294
- South African Special Risk Insurance Association (SASRIA) 293
- Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) 161
- Special Provisions see 1981
- stamp duty 19
- Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs) 17
- stare decisis 5
- statute of limitations see 1869
- STD (standard tender documents) 214
- stringency index 27–30
- Subcontractors
- Angola 94
- Kenya 225
- Subordinate Courts 383–384
- surplus Materials, sale of
- Angola 95
- Jordan 202
- Nigeria 262–263
- Surveyors Registration Council of Nigeria (SRCN) 240
- Task Group 15 (TG15) 47
- taxation
- income tax 64
- stamp duty 18
- Technical Committee 173
- technology
- Egypt 108
- Ethiopia 151
- Jordan 176–177
- Kenya 212
- Türkiye 329–330
- United Arab Emirates 356
- Zambia 392
- Temporary Works, sale of
- Angola 95
- Jordan 202
- Nigeria 262–264
- tenders 20, 55, 81, 83, 124, 129, 153, 155, 213, 221, 331, 388, 392
- termination
- Angola 96
- by Contractor 24
- Egypt 137, 138
- Ethiopia 163
- ipso facto 133
- Jordan 198, 199
- Kenya 226
- Nigeria 276
- South Africa 309, 310
- Türkiye 345
- United Arab Emirates 368
- testing apparatus, equipment and instruments, calibration of 164, 275, 312, 414
- third parties 85, 92, 109, 147, 263, 266
- time
- extension of time (EOT) clauses 32, 218, 279, 301, 302, 400
- time bars
- Angola 93–94
- Egypt 120–123, 134–135
- Jordan 200–201
- Türkiye
- applicable legislation 344–345
- common forms of contract 331–332
- constitutional structure 320
- construction industry overview 321–336
- court system 320–321
- COVID-19 336–338
- current challenges 334–335
- dispute resolution 332–334
- governing law of the contract 338–339, 344
- government/private sector procurement 330–331
- insurance requirements 331
- labour relations 327–328
- legal system 320
- licensing/registration 322–326
- modular construction 329
- Particular Conditions 339–344
- safety culture 328
- Special Provisions 339–344
- technology/innovation/BIM 329–330
- Underground Works 16, 43
- unfair contract terms 417
- UNIDROIT 8–9, 14, 36, 58
- Union 348
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- applicable legislation 370–375
- common forms of contract 358
- constitutional structure 348–349
- construction industry overview 352–360
- court system 350–352
- COVID-19 360–363
- current challenges 359–360
- dispute resolution 358–359
- governing law of the contract 363–365, 370–371
- government/private sector procurement 356–357
- insurance requirements 357
- labour relations 354–355
- legal system 349–350
- licensing/registration 352–354
- liquidated damages 376
- modular construction 356
- notice provisions 375–376
- Particular Conditions 366–370
- proportionate liability 376
- safety culture 355–356
- Special Provisions 366–370
- suspension 376
- technology/innovation/BIM 356
- Variations
- Ethiopia 161
- Jordan 195
- Kenya 222–223
- valuation of Variations 195
- Zambia 405
- vis major 299, 300
- worker and workplace safety see 1700
- World Health Organization (WHO) 88, 360
- World Trade Organisation (WTO) 37
- wreckage, sale of
- Angola 95
- Jordan 202
- Nigeria 262–263
- WTO Agreement on Government Procurement, country accessions to 36–37
- WTO GPA 37
- Yellow Book 1987 16, 423
- Yellow Book 1999 16, 51, 178, 244, 340, 358, 423
- Yellow Book 2017 16, 22, 24, 55, 70, 225, 423
- applicable law 19–20
- Contract Data 70
- order of precedence of documents 19
- Zambia
- applicable legislation 412–417
- constitutional structure 381
- construction industry overview 387–398
- court system 382–387
- COVID-19 398–402
- current challenges 398
- dispute resolution 396–398
- forms of contract 395–396
- good faith 417–418
- governing law of the contract 402–403, 412
- government procurement 392–395
- insurance requirements 395
- labour relations 390
- legal system 381–382
- licensing/registration 389–390
- modular construction 391–392
- Particular Conditions 403–412
- safety culture 391
- Special Provisions 403–412
- technology/innovation/BIM 392
- Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) 394
- Zambia Institute of Architects (ZIA) 390
- Zambia Institute of Planners (ZIP) 390
- Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) 392