World Accounting Report
Climate risk continues to be a concern for companies and regulators
A primary focus of this month's issue is climate risk, a topic of increasing concern to scientists, governments, corporations
and regulators, and the IASB is no exception. It is currently working on a project, Climate-related and Other Uncertainties
in the Financial Statements, upon which it embarked following feedback to its 2021 Agenda Consultation, which sought stakeholders'
views on the board's priorities for the years 2022 to 2026. As IASB chair Andreas Barckow has had cause to remind his fellow
members, this is classified as "a maintenance project", which means that it involves maintaining and supporting the consistent
application of the Accounting Standards, as opposed to specifying additional reporting requirements. The implication of this
categorisation was explicitly set out in the board's feedback statement,
1 which stated: