
Trusts and Estates

Filling the lacuna

Lonsdale and Others v Wedlake Bell LLP and Others [2024] EWHC 712 (KB)

This was an application brought by the First and Third Defendants, Wedlake Bell LLP ("Wedlake Bell") and QBE UK Ltd ("QBE"), by which they sought to strike out the Claimants' claim, alternatively summary judgment. The claim arose out of "admitted negligence" on the part of solicitors instructed principally by the First Claimant, James Lonsdale ("Mr Lonsdale") in relation to a settlement made in 1987 ("the Settlement") of which he was the settlor. Mr Lonsdale and the Second to Fourth Claimants were the trustees of the Settlement ("the Trustees") and the Fifth to Eighth claimants were Mr Lonsdale's children ("the Children").

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