
Construction Law in the 21st Century

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  • Note: Page numbers in bold indicate tables in the text, and references following “n” refer to notes
  • 1984 Building Act 143;
    • Approved Document B 143144
  • accountable person 150
  • adjudication schemes: low value dispute schemes 222;
    • Professional Negligence Bar Association 222;
    • Pubs Code Adjudicator 222;
    • Society of Computers and Law 222;
    • voluntary adjudication schemes 222
  • adjudication: ad hoc 136;
    • bonds 102, 110;
    • breach of natural justice 42;
    • contractual 11, 136;
    • enforcement 41;
    • evolution of 219222;
    • lack of jurisdiction 42;
    • pre–May 1998 landscape 217219;
    • ‘pay now argue later’ policy 42;
    • review 41;
    • statutory 41, 136;
    • statutory procedure to set an adjudication decision aside 42;
    • types of disputes that can be referred 41
  • adjudicator: powers 221;
    • review adjudicator 42
  • Adjudicator Nominating Bodies (ANB) 136, 220
  • ADR see Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • advance payment guarantee bond 101
  • AI see artificial intelligence
  • algorithmic bias 265268
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) 58
  • ANB see Adjudicator Nominating Bodies 223
  • Anns 110122;
    • case law retreat 127129;
    • housing defect claimants 122124;
    • Law Lords’ response 125126;
    • legal issues in 124125
  • Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) 83
  • anti-suit injunction 26
  • arbitration agreement: effectiveness 229;
    • inoperability 229;
    • validity 229
  • arbitration rules: ICSID Rules 236, UNCITRAL Rules 236
  • artificial intelligence (AI): construction disputes 274275;
  • Australian West Coast model 38n249
  • balanced evaluation process 51
  • Banwell Report 54n38
  • bid bonds 101
  • Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) 235
  • BIT see Bilateral Investment Treaty
  • bonds: adjudication 102, 110;
    • advance payment guarantee 101;
    • bid 101;
    • conditional 101;
    • conditional vs. on-demand 103104;
    • on-demand 101
  • Brussels I Regulation (Recast) 25
  • BUILD (Building Users Insurance against Latent Defects) 10
  • Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Projects 213
  • Building Control Alliance (BCA) 146147
  • building information modelling (BIM) 60, 61, 72
  • building regulation 142;
    • Building Safety Act 2022 139;
    • Defective Premises Act 1972 118;
    • Factories Act 1937 142;
    • Fire Precautions Act 1971 142;
    • Public Health Act 1936 119, 127, 142143;
    • Public Health Act of 1961 142;
    • Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 142;
    • the 1984 Building Act 143;
    • the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 147;
    • shops and offices 142
  • Building Research Establishment (BRE) 144
  • Building Safety Regulator 49
  • CAM (minimum environmental criteria) 8285
  • carbon-neutral approach 78, 78n6
  • Centre of Construction Law & Dispute Resolution: cash flow 1012;
    • changes to valuation 89;
    • history of 78;
    • King's College London Centre of Construction Law & Dispute Resolution 47;
    • quality and fitness 910;
    • time dimension 9
  • choice of law: use of English law internationally 1517
  • classic liquidated damages/penalty rules 167168, 184
  • Clean Construction Accelerator 68
  • collaborative practices, construction projects 48
  • collaborative procurement 57, 59
  • collateral objectives 86
  • collateral warranties 58
  • commercial arbitration: arbitrability 230231;
    • capacity 231233;
    • effect of insolvency on jurisdiction 225230;
    • insolvency and stay of proceedings 227;
    • law governing the effects of insolvency on arbitral proceedings 226;
    • standing 231233
  • commercial documents 20
  • compensation for expropriation (direct and indirect) 247248
  • conditional bonds 101
  • Construction Contract Policy 10
  • Construction Playbook 56, 57, 68, 7374
  • contract administrator: role of 3437
  • Cookham Wood Trial Project 62
  • cost-effectiveness approach 52
  • Crown Commercial Services 76
  • DAB/DAAB see Dispute Avoidance Board/Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board
  • deep learning 262
  • Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) 47
  • desktop studies 145146
  • digital information management 60
  • Diplock, Lord 104, 105
  • Dispute Adjudication Boards 41n283
  • Dispute Avoidance Board/Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAB/DAAB) 223
  • do no significant harm principle (DNSH) 8285
  • duty of care: Anns 124125;
    • assumption of responsibility 127;
    • special relationship 127
  • early supply chain involvement (ESI) 53, 55, 72
  • Edwards-Stuart J. 20
  • effective contracting 74
  • embedded carbon 77n4
  • Energy Charter Treaty (‘ECT’): investment 256;
  • energy construction projects 253254;
    • dispute resolution 254257;
    • energy charter treaty (ECT) 257259;
    • energy transition 254257
  • English contract law: commercial common sense 1920, 178;
    • fitness for purpose 91100;
    • impact of 2737;
    • international construction contracts 1517, 15n5;
    • prevalence of 1727;
    • prevention principle 2728;
    • procedural advantages of 2224;
    • substantive advantages of 1821;
    • textual interpretation 19;
    • use of 1517
  • English residential building law 113115;
  • European Climate Law 68, 68n4
  • exclusive jurisdiction clauses 25
  • express FFP obligations 9799
  • FAC-1 73, 75, 76
  • fair and equitable treatment (FET) 246247
  • FIDIC see International Federation of Consulting Engineers
  • fitness for human habitation 92
  • fitness for purpose (FFP): express obligations 9798;
    • implied obligations 9197
  • fixed price model 53
  • free transfer of funds 249250
  • full protection and security (FPS) 250251
  • gateways, regulatory reforms: gateway three 66;
    • gateway two 6365;
    • between gateways two and three 6566;
    • planning gateway one 63
  • golden thread of information 60, 150
  • Great Fire of London 140;
    • The London Building Act 1667 140;
    • Regional Acts 141
  • Grenfell Tower disaster 4750, 139
  • guarantee: advance payment guarantee bond 101;
    • instruments of 104;
    • law of guarantee 101;
    • refund 101102;
    • retention and maintenance 102;
    • tender 101
  • Guidance on Collaborative Procurement for Design and Construction to Support Building Safety 4750
  • Hackitt, Dame Judith 4748, 48n3, 50
  • Hackitt Report 147148
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 47
  • Hoffmann, Lord 21
  • home ombudsman 150
  • human–AI fairness gap 264: hearings 264;
    • interpretability 264265; see also artificial intelligence (AI)
  • ICSID see International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
  • implied FFP obligations: contractor without design responsibility 9597;
    • design and build 9495;
    • general considerations 9194
  • Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety 47
  • indulgence clauses 108, 109
  • insolvency: in civil law European countries 224225;
    • jurisdiction 225230;
    • legal capacity 231233;
    • subject-matter arbitrability 230231
  • integrated information management contract (IIMC) 62
  • Interim Payment Certificates 37
  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) 236, 254
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Commission 213
  • International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) 156
  • international investment treaties 235236;
    • BITs 235236;
    • Energy Charter Treaty (‘ECT’) 257259
  • International Statutory Adjudication Forum 41, 41n282
  • Investor–State arbitration 26, 235237;
    • in civil law European countries 224225;
    • construction investments 239240;
    • enforcement 236;
    • jurisdiction 240244;
    • standards of investment protection 244251;
    • trends and statistics 237239
  • Italian legal framework: do no significant harm principle (DNSH) 8285;
    • minimum environmental criteria 8285, 8586;
    • NZEB requirements 7981;
    • prospects for reforms 8182
  • JCT 2016 construction phase contract 56
  • JCT Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) 56
  • Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) 3233
  • King's College Construction Law Association (KCCLA) 13
  • King's College London report: action plans and leadership 71;
    • client strategy and expectations 70;
    • contract governance and joint risk management 7071;
    • early supply chain involvement and preconstruction activities 70;
    • framework alliances and shared learning 71;
    • long-term contracts and industry investment 70;
    • Procuring Net Zero Construction 6873;
    • specialists and supply chain collaboration 70;
    • team evaluation and bidder proposals 70;
    • whole life procurement and digital information 71
  • liability relating to construction products 149
  • life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies 83
  • Linkage Agreement 16
  • liquidated damages: in arbitration 210211;
  • machine learning 262
  • modern methods of construction (MMC) 72
  • most-favoured nation (MFN) treatment 245246
  • multi-party contracts 59
  • National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) 8485
  • Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) 78
  • negligence 118
  • Net Asset Value (NAV) 171
  • net zero and sustainable construction 7374
  • Net Zero Carbon 7779, 78n6
  • official referees 14, 217220
  • on-demand bonds 101;
    • vs. conditional bonds 103104
  • Paris Agreement 67
  • pay-when-paid clauses 41
  • payments: advance payment guarantee bond 101;
    • claim 40;
    • direct methods of 9;
    • Interim Payment Certificates 37;
    • mechanisms 3941;
    • ‘pay-when-certified clause’ 41;
    • ‘pay-when-paid’ clause 41;
    • progress payments; schedule 40
  • penalty clauses 168
  • Piano Aria e Clima (the Air-quality and Climate Plan) 85
  • prevention principle 2728, 3;
    • act of prevention 2829;
    • extension of time 3033
  • price-quality ratio 52
  • pure economic loss 127
  • quantification: agreement 158159;
    • classification and approaches to 153155;
    • contract forms and practices 164165;
    • cost-based compensation 155158;
    • formula 161163;
    • modern complexities 163164;
    • price claims 159161
  • reasonable skill and care 94
  • recognition and enforcement of judgments 2426
  • refund guarantees 101102
  • Reid, Lord 35
  • remediation contribution order 135
  • retention and maintenance guarantees 102
  • Rix, Lord Justice 178
  • rule against penalties 200
  • security of payment legislation 3738
  • single-stage approach 5354
  • single-stage procurement 54
  • standards of investment protection: arbitrary or discriminatory measures 239, 250;
    • customary international law 239, 251;
    • direct expropriation 239, 247248;
    • fair and equitable treatment 239, 246247;
    • full protection and security 239, 250;
    • indirect expropriation 239, 247248;
    • most favoured nation (‘MFN’) 239, 245;
    • national treatment 239, 245246;
    • performance requirements 239, 251;
    • transfer of funds 239, 249;
    • umbrella clauses 239, 248249;
    • war/insurrection loss 239
  • supply chains 55, 74
  • target price contract 9
  • TCC see Technology and Construction Court
  • Technology and Construction Court (TCC) 14, 17 , 116;
    • adjudication 221;
    • procedural innovation 24;
    • support for arbitration 2223
  • tender documentation 86
  • tender guarantee 101
  • third-party commentary 185
  • third-party rights 58
  • Turing test 262
  • UAE: free zone laws 192196
  • UK Office of Government Commerce 51, 52
  • umbrella clauses 248249
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 213
  • urban planning 8586
  • valuation: based on agreement 158159;
  • whole life procurement 7172

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