
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter

London Arbitration 11/24

Voyage charter - ANVOY form - Claim for demurrage - Additional clause providing time not to count from 17.00 Friday to 08.00 Monday even if used - Second additional clause providing all time lost from completion of loading until cargo cleared by customs to count in full as laytime - Whether time spent over weekend waiting for cargo documents to count as if laytime

The arbitration arose under a voyage charter on the ANVOY (amended Synacomex 90) form for the carriage of wheat on the subject vessel from Russia to Brazil. The charter was reflected by a fixture recap email which provided in clause 17 for it to be governed by English law and for any dispute to be referred to arbitration under the LMAA Terms. A dispute arose and the owners and charterers each appointed a full member of the LMAA as arbitrator.

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