
Money Laundering Bulletin

Going south - Venezuela

An unsafe, quite possibly rigged, election result in July [2024] means that President Nicolas Maduro remains in charge of Venezuela, oil-rich even while much of the population is impoverished and corruption in government is rife. The United States has responded with sanctions, balancing the risk of further illegal immigration through its southern border. With the country now also on the Financial Action Task Force grey list, Paul Cochranefinds little cause for optimism.

An unsafe, quite possibly rigged, election result in July [2024] means that President Nicolas Maduro remains in charge of Venezuela, oil-rich even while much of the population is impoverished and corruption in government is rife. The United States has responded with sanctions, balancing the risk of further illegal immigration through its southern border. With the country now also on the Financial Action Task Force grey list, Paul Cochranefinds little cause for optimism.

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