
Law of Ship Mortgages


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  • Acceleration on default 240, 241, 296, 709
  • Admiralty Court
    • common law courts, and 408
    • competency of 359360
    • discharge, and 206
  • Admiralty jurisdiction of High Court 354360
  • Admiralty Marshal
  • Admiralty Marshal's Conditions of Sale 728730
  • Advance payment guarantees 564565
  • After-acquired property 3, 134, 136
  • Agreed priority 152156
  • Aircraft
    • Blue Sky litigation 107110
    • conflict of laws 71, 73
    • under English domestic law 106107
  • Amendment 198
    • obligations, change of 124127
    • parties, change of 124
  • Anti-set-off clauses 307309
  • Appurtenances
  • Arrest
    • conflict of laws see Conflict of laws
    • jurisdiction 8990
    • wrongful 244, 363
  • Arrest and court sale 352403
    • Admiralty jurisdiction of High Court 354360
    • Admiralty Marshal, and 364366
    • advantages 352353
    • caution 362363
    • claim form 360362
    • damages, and 363
    • dealing with cargo laden onboard ship under arrest 368370
    • English law 353
    • Forms 361362
    • insurance of ship whilst under arrest 368
    • issurance of warrant as of right 363364
    • moving ship for safety, repairs or lay up 366368
    • payment and repatriation of ship's crew 370373
    • procedure 360373
  • Assignment
  • Bailment
  • Balance sheet insolvency 230
  • Bareboat Charter Hire Purchase Agreements (BBCHP) 445
  • Bareboat charter in ships 49
  • Bareboat charter out ships 49
  • Bareboat charters 4749, 335341
    • mortgages on ‘bareboat charter in’ ships 49
    • mortgages on ‘bareboat charter out’ ships 49
    • registration 4749 see also Demise charters
  • Beneficial ownership 2934
  • Bills of Sale Acts 19
  • Blue Sky litigation 107110
  • Bottomry 45, 356
  • Bottomry bond 64
  • Breach of security maintenance (loan to value ratio) covenant 225226
  • Break-funding 239242
  • British ship 23
  • Bunkers
  • Cargo 313335
    • ship under arrest 368370 see also Liability to non-demise charterers and cargo
  • Cargo interests 313335
  • Cash-flow insolvency 230
  • Centre of main interests (COMI) 423, 429432
  • Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) 180, 504
  • Certificate of registry 2829
  • Change of obligations 124127
    • doctrine of unusual features 127
    • further advances 127
    • guarantee, and 127
    • new obligation 124
    • precautionary security 125
    • refinancing 125
    • subsequent mortgage, and 126
    • underlying facility amended 124
  • Change of parties 124
  • Charge
    • section 859 Companies Act 2006 143148
    • assignment by way of 520522
  • Charterparty 536543
  • Chattels 8285
  • Classification societies 182183
  • Clogs on the equity of redemption 131, 206, 266
  • Clubs, mutual associations and 465466
  • Co-assurance 454456
  • Collateral advantage
    • meaning 131
    • unconscionable 131
  • Collateral deed of covenant see Deed of covenant
  • Comité Maritime International (CMI) 47, 7778
  • Common law 25, 11, 1517
  • Common law jurisdictions 9192, 96
  • Common law liens 210211
  • Common law mortgages 52, 5558
  • charge, as 157, 158
    • deed 57
    • form 57
    • maritime structures 57
    • unregistered ship 5657
  • Companies Act 2006 Part 26A 416420
  • Companies Act registration of charges regime 156
  • Company voluntary arrangement (CVA) 413
  • Conditional sale agreement 52
  • Conflict of laws 71115
    • aircraft 71, 73
    • analogies 110
    • Blue Sky litigation 107110
    • court's protection of mortgagor, and 310
    • English domestic law
      • property in registered aircraft under 106107
      • property in registered ships under 7981
    • English position 73
    • foreign government action 99100, 102
    • foreign judicial proceedings, and 82
    • foreign ship mortgages 8688
      • geographical fiction 8788
      • law of register 86
      • Merchant Shipping Act 1995 88
      • priority dispute 86
      • recognition 86
    • fraud upon mortgages, and 8384
    • general maritime law 75
    • insurance, and 471473
    • international conventions 7678
      • Bustamante Code, and 78
      • CMI, and 7778
      • international interest, and 77
    • law of ship's register 7172
    • lex maritima 72
    • lex situs, conclusions on 110115
    • metaphors 110
    • mid-nineteenth-century conflicts 8285
    • priority issues 9097
      • common law jurisdictions 9192, 96
      • foreign-registered mortgages 96
      • French law 9094
      • hypothèque 9094
      • Latin American countries 96
      • lex causae 9192, 97
      • lex fori 9092, 94, 9697
      • non-consensual claim 97
      • priorities disputes 93
    • property in registered ships under English domestic law 7981
      • legislation, history of 80
      • Merchant Shipping Act 1854 79, 81
      • Navigation Acts 79
      • power of requisition 81
      • private law, and 80
      • shift from mercantilism to free trade 79
      • ship belonging to particular port 80
      • statutory regulation of proprietary interests 81
    • registered ownership and arrest jurisdiction 8990
      • lex fori 8990
      • relationship between ownership and registration 8990
      • timely completion of legal formalities 90
    • registered ships, conclusions on 110115
    • review of issues 7174
    • rights acquired under laws of foreign states 85
    • security over earnings and charterparties 529530
    • situs 72, 73, 8485
    • WD Fairway litigation 97106
      • British Register 104
      • British ships belonging to port of registry 99
      • constructive total loss 97
      • Exception 1 to Dicey's Rule 101, 104
      • facts 99
      • foreign judgment in rem 100101
      • issues for determination 98
      • lex situs 9899, 101
      • notice of abandonment 97
      • registered transfers of proprietary interests 98, 102105
      • renvoi 99, 103
      • transaction defrauding creditors 103
  • Consensual restructuring 405, 406, 409412
  • Consents 191196
  • Consolidation 207208
  • Containers 135, 357, 512
  • Contingent liability insurance (CLI) 616
  • Contract of affreightment 517, 527, 531, 541
    • Court bill of sale, enforceability of 387391
    • legal effect under English law 387388
    • Maritime Liens and Mortgages Convention 1993 389
    • recognition by courts 388389
    • United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships 389391
  • Court sale procedure 373387; see also Arrest and court sale
    • application for sale ‘pendente lite’ 374375
    • costs and disbursements 394395
    • default 375377
    • delivery of ship to successful tenderer 383387
    • enforceability of court bill of sale 387391
    • maritime lien claims 395397
    • maritime liens in US 397399
    • mortgage claims 400403
    • mortgagee's application for determination of priorities 391393
    • ordered to direct buyer without tender or appraisement 378379
    • order for sale 377378, 388389
    • order of priorities disturbed, when 401
    • payment of purchase price into court 383387
    • payment out 391403
    • possessory lien claims 399400
    • statutory liens 403
    • steps taken by Admiralty Marshal after order 380383
  • Courts’ protection of mortgagor 276310
    • anti-set-off clauses 307309
    • conflict of laws 310
    • derivative liability to relevant parties 302305
    • excluding duties 305307
    • general law 276
    • intermeddling 309310
    • marshalling 309
    • mortgagee in possession's duties to mortgagor 279282
    • mortgagee's exercise of power of sale 283288
    • mortgagee's sales to favoured buyers 291296
    • mortgagor's right to redeem 277279
    • sales to self 288290
    • self-help, and 276
    • ship and land mortgages compared 296302
  • Credit Risk Insurance (Trade Credit Insurance) 507
  • Crew, payment and repatriation of 370373
  • Cross-border insolvency 404, 437442, 560
  • Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 437442
  • Cross-border jurisdictional issues, insolvency, and 423, 443444
  • Cross-default 226227
  • CVA see Company voluntary arrangement
  • Deed
    • common law mortgage 57
  • Deed of covenant 176178
    • collateral 55, 116, 127129
    • equitable mortgages 6162
    • provisions for protection of mortgagee 178
    • specimen 682721
  • Default
    • breach of obligations 221
    • common law rights, and 221
    • discretions in relation to 232
    • events see Events of default
    • financial distress, and 220
    • interest and break-funding 239242
    • lender’s/mortgagee's options following 242244
    • meaning 222
    • time to remedy 219220
    • waiver of events 232235
      • discussion 234
      • express remedy or cure language 233234
      • failure to act 233234
      • ‘no waiver’ clause 234235
      • scheduled payments 233
  • Demand guarantee 556559, 562564
  • Demise charters
    • duties and liabilities of mortgagee, and 335341
    • nature of 335 see also Bareboat charters
  • Derivative liability to relevant parties 302305
  • Determination of priorities and payment out 391403
    • costs and disbursements 394395
    • maritime lien claims 395397
    • maritime liens in US 397399
    • mortgage claims 400403
    • mortgagee's application for determination of priorities 391393
  • DIP financing 425426
  • Discharge 204207
    • preference, and 207
    • record in Register 206
    • repayment of debt 205
    • right to redeem, and 206
    • transfer to third party, and 207
  • Discretions 191196
  • Disguised mortgages 5859
    • motive 58
    • sale and leaseback transaction 59
    • ‘true sale’ 59
  • Domestic law 1, 17
  • Dual registration 4748
  • Duties and liabilities of mortgagee to third parties 311351
    • demise (bareboat) charters 335341
    • equitable subordination 349350
    • history of ship mortgages, and 311313
    • issues arising under Partnership Act 1890 345347
    • lender liability summary 350351
    • mortgagee in possession 343344
    • non-demise charters and cargo interests 313335
    • third-party property 344345
    • wider lender liability risks 347349
  • Earnings 68, 74, 129, 131, 143, 147, 153, 159, 166, 201, 207, 219, 224, 252, 259, 268, 270271, 274275, 317, 321, 330, 345, 355, 374, 425, 510552
  • Earnings account 543544
  • Effect of registration 2728, 35
  • Electronic copies 141
  • Electronic execution 141
  • Energy-saving technology (EST) equipment 137, 345
  • Enforcement 244
    • Admiralty Court, competency 359360
    • ancillary equipment, and 180
    • application of proceeds of sale 267268
    • arrest procedure 360373
    • bareboat charter, and 180, 181
    • claims 355359
    • common law right to take possession 245250
    • courts’ protection of 295296, 310
    • default in payments, and 66
    • earnings account 543544
    • exercise of 305
    • factors relevant to decision to take possession 253259
    • foreclosure 272273
    • foreign judgments 74
    • impediments to mortgage 572573
    • joint and several borrower, and 172
    • judicial sale 373387
    • liability to third parties 339, 350
    • liens, and 209, 215
    • marshalling, and 168169, 173174
    • mechanics and effect of mortgagee's private sale 264265
    • method of taking possession 250253
    • mortgagee's expenses of sale 265266
    • mortgagee's rights 512, 517518, 540
    • penalties, and 130
    • receivership 268271
    • rights of mortgagees in possession 259260
    • sale of mortgaged ship 260264
    • sanctions, and 190
    • security over ancillary receivables 274275
    • security over shares 574575, 578
    • ship mortgage 432437
    • step-in rights 536543
    • subsequent mortgagee, and 152154, 273274
    • time charter, and 180
    • unfavourable jurisdiction 154
  • Equitable charge 5152, 6366
    • acknowledgment of receipt, and 6364
    • creation 6364
    • lien, and 6466
    • nature of 63
    • New York Produce Exchange form, clause 6465
    • owner's lien on sub-freights 6465
    • priority 157158
  • Equitable interests 36, 39, 55, 62, 95, 98, 102, 116
  • Equitable liens 212
  • Equitable mortgages 5152, 5963
    • British-style statutory mortgage 61
    • creation 60, 62
    • definition 60
    • deposit of builder's certificate 6061
    • deposit of title deeds 60
    • enforcement 62
    • failure to create legal mortgage, and 5960
    • nature of 5960
    • priority 157158
    • security over foreign property 61
  • Equitable subordination 349350
  • Equity 3
  • Escrow, execution 117
  • Events of default (EODs) 222223
  • Excluding mortgagees’ duties 305307
  • Execution 116118
    • attorney-in-fact 117
    • company, by 116118
    • during COVID-19 pandemic 118
    • deed 116117
    • escrow 117
    • overseas companies 117
  • Expiry of registration 39
  • Express owners’ undertakings 176178
  • Factors relevant to mortgagee's decision to take possession 253259
    • limiting liability
      • bunker spills 258259
      • loss of life, collision and non-oil pollution claims 257258
      • oil pollution claims 258
    • mortgagee able to take actual possession 253254
    • mortgagee's liabilities to third party containable, whether 256259
    • reasons for 254256
  • Failure to register mortgage 144145, 156157
  • Financial collateral arrangements 544545
  • Financial lessees, issues for 618621
  • Fishing vessels
    • ownership 2526
    • registration 2526
  • Flag 9, 21, 23, 42, 88, 109, 183, 254255, 327, 353, 367, 371, 376, 387, 440441, 450, 485, 495, 505
  • Floating charge 61
  • Foreclosure 15, 272273
  • Foreign judgments 74
  • Form MSF 4736 REV 1118 54, 118, 120121, 651664
  • Form MSF 4737 REV 1118 118, 665677
  • Form MSF 4739 REV 1118 678681
  • Form of mortgage 118121
  • Forum non conveniens, application of 328329
  • General maritime law
    • conflict of laws 75
  • German, insurance terms 494
  • Hanjin insolvency 405406, 444445
  • Hire purchase 52
  • Hovercraft 44, 359
  • Hypothèque 9094
  • Illegality
  • INSOL Principles 410
  • Insolvency 229231, 404445
    • COMI shift 416
    • Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 437442
    • cross-border jurisdictional issues 423, 443444
    • foreign insolvency proceedings 443444
    • Hanjin insolvency 405406, 444445
    • Recast Insolvency Regulation 429437
    • restructuring plans under Companies Act 2006 416420
    • scheme of arrangement under Companies Act 2006 412416
    • SPC and ship protection in 573
    • UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency 437442
    • United States Bankruptcy Code, Chapter 11 (and Chapter 15) 422428
  • Institute mortgagees’ interest clauses – hulls 722726
  • Insurable interest 449451
  • Insurance 446509
    • assignment 456461
      • beneficial interest 460461
      • clubs 465466
      • equity 460
      • event of default, and 459
      • legal or equitable 457458
      • marine insurance claims, proceeds and policies 460461
      • mutual associations 465466
      • notice of 461465
      • present and future choses in action 457
      • present and future claim 460
      • registration 464
      • statutory provisions 457
    • assignments of reinsurances 477478
    • brokers 288, 378380, 394, 462, 463464, 467, 468, 469, 470
    • claims 470471
    • co-assurance 454456
    • composite interest 455456
    • conflict of laws 471473
    • financial guarantee 506507
    • hull 447
    • illegality risk 473477
    • international regulation 447
    • kidnap and ransom 448
    • letters of undertaking 467470
    • loss of hire 448
    • loss payable clauses 466467
    • mortgagees’ additional perils (pollution) insurance see Mortgagees’ additional perils (pollution) (MAPP) insurance
    • mortgagees’ interest 478502
    • mortgagees’ interest insurance see Mortgagees’ interest insurance
    • mortgagees’ rights insurance 505506
    • nature of mortgagee's interest 449452
    • other mortgagees’ 506507
    • P&I clubs 447448
    • placed by mortgagee for its own benefit 452454
    • pollution 502505
    • while under arrest 490, 491, 506
    • warranty 455
    • war risks 448
  • Interference with third-party property 344345
  • Intermeddling
  • International conventions, conflict of laws and see Conflict of laws
  • International legacy 1617
  • Issues on owners’ undertakings 178183
    • bareboat charter 179
    • classification societies 182183
    • compliance with all applicable laws and regulations 183
    • dual flagging 181
    • insurances 178179
    • maintenance of ship 181182
    • maritime liens 179
    • registration of ship 180181
    • time charters 180
  • Jet skis 46, 359360
  • Judgment in default, mortgagee's application for 375377
  • Judicial sales to direct buyer 378380
  • Jurisdiction 1, 45, 10, 21, 43, 52, 54, 76, 81, 9192, 96, 111112, 114, 125, 154, 173, 212, 222, 253, 255, 298, 317, 325329, 332, 353354, 361, 366, 412419, 420, 471, 473
  • Lease financing 581622
    • issues for financial lessees 618621
    • leases and mortgages combined 616618
    • liability of lessors to third parties 611616
    • and loans, differences between 586
    • nature and form of 587588
    • recharacterisation of 606610
    • and secured loans 621622
    • relief against forfeiture 598602
    • repossession 602605
    • sale 605606
    • termination and waiver 591592
    • termination notices 590591
    • termination rights 588590
    • termination sum payable 592598
  • Legal (statutory) assignments 525527
  • Legal ownership 1820
    • passing of title 20
  • Legislative reform 811
    • Benthamite-inspired 11
  • Lender liability
  • Lender’s/mortgagee's options following default 242244
  • Letters of undertaking 386, 467470
  • Lex maritima 7273, 75, 113
  • Lex situs 73, 81, 8485, 89, 9799, 101114, 136, 433, 435, 471, 579
  • Liabilities of mortgagee in possession to third parties 343344
  • Liability of lessors to third parties 611616
  • Liability to demise (bareboat) charterers 335341
    • charter entered into after mortgage granted 338339
    • nature of charterer's interest 336337
    • notice of prohibition 340
    • position between mortgagee and lessee, and 341
    • possession as proprietary interest? 327
  • Liability to non-demise charterers and cargo
    • applicable law 334335
    • bill of lading holder, and 332333
    • burden of proof 317
    • cases 313335
    • economic torts, and 324, 332333
    • equitable relief 320
    • impairment of security 325328
    • interests 313335
    • language, meaning and purpose of 316
    • principles 322327
    • remedies 324325
    • statutory mortgage, and 316
    • wrongful interference with contracts 332
  • Liability to third parties 339, 350, 343344, 44 see also Duties and liabilities of mortgagee to third parties
  • Liens 209218
    • categories 209
    • common law 210211
    • equitable 212
    • equitable charge, and 6466
    • issues relating to 209
    • sub-freights, on 535536
  • Loans and lease, differences between 586
  • Loan portfolio sales 202204
  • Loan to value ratio (security maintenance) 225226
  • Loss payable clauses 275, 466467
  • Maritime law
    • civil law-influenced 45
    • history of 45
    • ship mortgages, and 48
  • Maritime liens 212215
  • Maritime Liens and Mortgages Convention 1993 389
  • Marshalling 167173, 309
    • bottomry bonds, holders of 172
    • common debtor rule 170172
    • conceptual basis 173
    • contribution, right of 172
    • double mortgage, and 168170
    • double mortgage not fully paid out 168
    • example 168
    • principle 167168
    • scope 173
    • surety exception to common debtor rule 171
  • Material adverse change (MAC) 227229
  • Material adverse effect (MAE) 227229
  • Merchant Shipping Act 1854 10, 11
  • Merchant Shipping Act 1995 150
  • Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) Regulations 1993
  • Method of taking possession 250253
    • actual possession 250251
    • constructive possession 251253
  • Mortgage claims 400403
  • Mortgagees
    • derivative liability to relevant parties 302305
    • equitable duty 301, 306308, 579
    • exercise of power of sale 283288
      • context of realisation 284285
      • method of sale 287288
      • preservation of value of property 285286
      • trustee standard of care 283284
      • unbridled discretion 283
    • expenses of sale 265266
    • in possession's duties to mortgagor 279282
      • account 282
      • ownership, and 281
      • reasonable use of ship 281282
    • in possession's liability to third parties 343344
    • private sale 264265
    • sale to favoured buyer 291296
    • sale to self 288290
  • Mortgagees’ additional perils (pollution) (MAPP) insurance 446, 502505
    • Clause 1 (Insuring Clause) 502503
    • Clause 2 (Insured Perils) 503504
    • Clauses 3 to 5 (Exclusions) 504
    • Clause 6 (Warranties) 504
    • Clauses 7 to 16 504505
  • Mortgagees’ interest insurance (MI insurance) 446, 478502
    • Clause 1 (the ‘Insuring Clause’) 483485
    • Clause 2 (Insured Perils) 485493
    • Clause 3 (Exclusions) 493494
    • Clause 4 (Warranties) 494495
    • Clause 5 (Change of ownership or control) 495496
    • Clause 6 (Duty of assured (sue and labour)) 496497
    • Clause 7 (Claims) 497498
    • Clause 8 (Subrogation) 498499
    • Clause 10 (Automatic termination) 499500
    • delay in payment by underwriters 501502
    • renewals 500501
  • Mortgagees’ rights insurance (MRI) 505506
  • Mortgages
    • and collateral deed of covenant 127129
    • historical development 117
    • land, ship and 296302
    • lease financing and
    • leases and mortgages combined 616618
    • nature of 4
    • unregistered ships 17, 5657, 157158
  • Mortgagor's obligations and undertakings 174197
    • consents 191196
    • deed of covenant see Deed of covenant
    • discretion 191196
    • imperilling or prejudicing security, and 175
    • issues on owners’ undertakings see Issues on owners’ undertakings
    • principal rights 174175
    • protection of security 196197
    • rights or incidents of ownership 175
    • sanctions 183191
    • typical express owners’ undertakings 176178
  • Mortgagor's rights to redeem 277279
  • Multiple obligations 121123
    • parallel debt 123
    • project bonds 123
    • security trustee 121123
    • syndicated loans 121
  • Negative pledge 147148, 158160
  • Nemo dat rule 38, 339
  • Non-payment EODs 223224
  • Non-ship structures 4244
    • insurance 44
    • liability to third parties 44
    • ownership and security 4244
    • regulatory regime 4445
    • in rem proceedings 43
    • salvage, and 44
  • Norwegian/Scandinavian Plan Insurances 449, 494, 508
  • Notice of assignment 461465, 523524, 565, 568
  • Notice of Mortgage Intent 678681
  • Obligations secured 118121
    • change of obligations 124127
    • flexibility 120
    • liabilities of third party 120121
    • obligation, meaning 119
    • option to purchase, and 120
    • transfer of title 120
  • Oil pollution 215, 257258
  • Oil price cap (sanctions) 184185
  • Operating lease 582585, 587588, 599, 607, 613
  • Order for sale 160, 377378, 388389
  • Order of priorities 160
  • Other EODs 224232
    • breach of security maintenance (loan to value ratio) covenant 225226
    • cross-default 226227
    • insolvency 229231
    • MAC 227229
    • MAE 227229
    • representations and warranties 231232
    • termination of Approved Charter 224225
  • Ownership 1820
  • P&I clubs 447448
  • Partial assignments 520522
  • Parties 116
    • change of parties 126
  • Partnership Act 1890
    • issues arising under 345347
  • Payment defaults 220
  • Penalties, rule against 130131
  • Pooling arrangements (earnings) 545546
  • Port authority
    • over-reaching power of sale 218, 383
  • Port state control 42, 254
  • Possession
  • Possessory lien 179, 210211
  • Power of attorney 84, 117, 141, 154155, 181, 216, 255, 264, 471, 541, 715716
  • Pre-delivery payments (PDPs) 554555, 564565, 567
  • Pre-delivery security 553570
    • advance payment guarantees 564565
    • assignment issues, control over disputes 565567
    • builder's refund obligations 555556
    • objectives 555
    • reasons 553
    • refund guarantees 556564
    • stepping in to buyer's position 567570
  • Priority 150173
    • agreed 152156
    • conflict of laws see Conflict of laws
    • equitable mortgages and charges 157158
    • failure to register mortgage 156157
    • floating charges 158160
      • assignment of earnings and insurances 159160
      • mortgage over registered ship, and 159160
      • negative pledge 158160
    • marshalling see Marshalling
    • mortgages of unregistered ships 157158
    • Order of priorities in order for sale 160
    • security over ancillary receivables 166167
    • statutory registered 150152
    • tacking of further advances 160165
  • Private law provisions (of MSA 1995) 17, 20, 24, 26, 46, 49, 52, 56, 67, 88, 113, 138, 140, 348
  • Proceeds of sale
  • Property covered by mortgage 133137
    • Admiralty Marshal, sale by 137
    • appurtenances 133137
    • cargo 135136
    • container leasing agreement, and 135
    • equipment 133
    • passenger ships 135
    • third party owners of tangible property 137
    • wide definition 133134
  • Property in registered aircraft under English law 106
  • Protection of mortgagor by courts see Courts’ protection of mortgagor
  • Protection of security 196197
  • Provisional registration 25, 87, 451
  • Purchase option see Third-party purchase options
  • Recast Insolvency Regulation 429437
  • Receivership 268271
  • Rectification 199200
  • Red Ensign Group 16
  • Refund, builder's obligations 555556
  • Refund guarantees 556564
    • litigation on 559
    • nature of 557
    • requiring demand 563
  • Refusal of registration 39
  • Register 24
    • British ship 24 see also flag
  • Registering of British Vessels Act 1845 14, 58
  • Registering of Vessels Act 1823 8
  • Registration 2124
    • bareboat charters 4749
    • and beneficial ownership 2934
    • effect 2728, 35
    • fishing vessels 2526
    • function 21
    • Merchant Shipping Act 1988 2324
    • name of ship 2930
    • nature 2728
    • Navigation Act 1660 22
    • not conclusive or relevant 38
    • ownership, and 2223
    • Part III of Register 24, 26
    • parts 24
    • and priority 3538
    • procedure 4142
    • qualified owners 25
    • representative person 25
    • shares in ship 25
    • ship with no nationality 21
    • small ships 2627
    • statutes 22
    • United Kingdom ship 23
    • unregistered transferee 39
  • Registration of mortgages 138149
    • Bills of Sale Acts 148149
    • Companies Act 2006 143148
      • amendment 145
      • certificate 145
      • change of chargee 146
      • consequence of failure to register 144145
      • disclosure of negative pledges 147148
      • documentation 143145
      • financial collateral arrangement 144
      • further security 147
      • inspection by search 147
      • limited liability partnership 148
      • overseas companies 148
      • receiver or manager 148
      • rectification 145
      • release 146
      • time limit 118, 145
    • effect 140
    • evidencing 142
    • Merchant Shipping Act 1995 139143
      • collateral deed of covenant 140
      • deed of priority 140
      • form of mortgage 139
      • Notice of Mortgage Intent 141
      • power of sale 141
      • transfer or discharge 141
    • reform of system 149
    • registries 138
    • Shipping Registrar 138, 143
    • termination 142
  • Reinsurance 477478
  • Relief from forfeiture 189, 278, 295, 315, 336, 598602, 618, 621622
  • Renvoi 73, 99, 103
  • Repossession, lease financing 602605
  • Requisition
    • compensation 546552
    • conflict of laws 81
  • Residual Value Insurance (RVI) 507
  • Respondentia 64, 213
  • Restrictions on assignment 530534
  • Restructuring 404445
  • Retention account 425, 500, 544545
  • Rights of mortgagee in possession 259260
  • Right to redeem
  • Right to take possession at common law 245250
    • inadequate marine insurance 247248
    • intended overseas voyages 248249
    • maritime liens and impecuniosity 249250
    • money secured by mortgage is due 246247
    • mortgagee's security impaired or imperilled 247250
    • unfavourable charters 250
  • Risks 176177
    • deterioration in physical condition 177
    • incidents causing physical loss or damage 176
    • lender liability 347349
    • non-compliance with legal or regulatory requirements 177
    • third parties acquiring competing rights against or in ship 177
  • Roman law 3
  • Sale and leaseback transaction 59, 581, 584585, 587588, 596, 600, 606610, 616
  • Sale by court see Court sale procedure
  • Sale by port authority 218, 383
  • Sale, leases 605606
  • Sale of Goods Act 1979 1920
  • Sale of mortgaged ship 260264
  • Sale ‘pendente lite’ 374375
  • Sales to favoured buyers 291296
    • allegations by mortgagor on facts 292
    • burden of proof, and 293295
    • failure 291292
    • improper purposes 291296
    • precautions 291
    • proper price 293
    • special purchaser analysis 293294
  • Sales to self 288290
  • Salvage 44, 97, 213, 214, 355, 366, 396397, 503, 551
  • Sanctions 183191
  • Schemes of arrangement under Companies Act 2006 412416
  • Securitisation 202204
  • Security interests in ships 5070
  • Security over ancillary receivables 274275
  • Security over earnings and charterparties 510552
    • assignment 510512
    • bareboat charter 514
    • charterparties 536543
    • commercial background 512516
    • conflict of laws 529530
    • demise charter 514
    • distinction between legal and equitable assignment 516
    • earnings account 543544
    • equitable assignments 525527
    • financial collateral arrangements 544545
    • freight 510511
    • future rights 517519
    • legal assignments 525527
    • legal issues 516
    • liens on sub-freights 535536
    • notice of assignment 523524
    • partial assignments 520522
    • pooling arrangements 545546
    • present rights 517519
    • requisition compensation 546552
    • restrictions on assignment 530534
    • set-off issues 527529
    • step-in rights 536543
    • suspensory assignments 520522
    • time charters 511512
  • ‘See to it’ guarantee 557, 562, 564
  • Self-help remedies 222
  • Senior Courts Act 1981 646649
  • Set-off
  • Share in ship, mortgage of 6768
  • Shares security 571580
    • conflict of laws 579580
    • courts’ protection 577579
    • documents 576577
    • enforcement 574575, 578
    • English law 576, 580
    • financial collateral 576
    • reasons for taking
      • anyone else taking, preventing 571572
      • impediments to mortgage enforcement 572573
      • significant contracts 572
      • SPC and ship protection 573
    • security documents, enforcement 576577
    • SPC liabilities 574575
  • Ship
    • definition 42
    • non-ship structures, and 4244
  • Shipbuilding Credit Guarantee Scheme 70
  • Ship mortgages
    • exemption of transfers of 2
    • increased need for 78
    • Industrial Revolution, and 10
    • jurisdiction 45
    • maritime law, and 48
    • nationality requirements 9
    • priority of 1
    • registration, and 2, 6
    • risks 1
    • shares, in a ship 6768
  • Ships under construction
    • Bills of Sale Act 70
    • construction register 6970
    • equitable assignment 68
    • lex situs, and 68
    • material used in construction 69
    • mortgage of 6870
    • progressive title transfer 69
    • terms of shipbuilding contract 70 see also Pre-delivery security
  • Small ships
    • registration 2627
  • Special fees 129133
  • Special purpose company (SPC) 571
  • Statutory charge by way of legal mortgage 1516, 50, 52, 60, 134, 166, 316
  • Statutory liens 210, 216217, 403
  • Statutory mortgages
    • competing claims of mortgagee 5253
    • definition 50
    • detailed formal agreements 55
    • effect of registration 5355
    • endorsement 14
    • form of registration 55
    • Merchant Shipping Act 1854 5354
    • Merchant Shipping Act 1995 53
    • nationality requirements, and 13
    • nature of 1116
    • nature of registration 53
    • power of sale 25, 5455
    • primacy of registration 5253
    • priority 1314, 53
    • registration, and 1315
    • secure liabilities 120121
    • statutory charge, whether 1516
    • sub-mortgages, and 66
    • transfer of title, and 1112, 56
  • Statutory possessory liens 217218
  • Statutory registered priority 150152
    • asset registration 150
    • debtor registration 150
    • priority notices 151
    • prior mortgagee's consent, and 152155
    • private sale, power of 151
    • rank in 150
    • subsequent mortgagee, and 152156
  • Step-in rights
    • charterparties and 536543
    • shipbuilding contract 569570
  • Sub-freights
  • Submortgages 6667
    • deed 66
    • equitable 67
    • nature of 66
    • power of sale, and 67
  • Subrogation 498499
  • Subsequent mortgagees 273274
  • Suspensory assignments 520522
  • Syndicated loans 122, 123, 414415
  • Tabula in naufragio 165166
  • Tacking of further advances 160165
    • common law 161, 162163
    • constructive notice, and 161163
    • court sale in foreign jurisdiction 165
    • mitigation of uncertainty 164165
    • notice, and 161163
    • registered ship mortgages, and 164
    • statutory regime 162163
    • subsequent claims 164165
  • Termination
  • Termination of Approved Charter 224225
  • Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 448
  • Third-party property, interference with 344345
  • Third-party purchase options 341343
  • Time charter
  • Title transfer mortgage 9, 1112, 1517, 52, 62, 69, 83, 111, 246, 280, 316
  • Transfer and transmission of mortgages 200204
  • Trust 29, 39, 6263, 67, 80, 95, 105106, 123124, 267, 289, 294, 298, 305, 450, 523, 531
  • UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency 437442
  • United Kingdom ship 23
  • United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships 389391
  • United States Bankruptcy Code, Chapter 11 (and Chapter 15) 422428
  • Unregistered ships, mortgages of 17, 5657, 157158
  • Upside sharing arrangements 129133
  • Waiver of EODs 232235
  • War risks 166, 256257, 448, 465468, 469, 551
  • WD Fairway litigation 97106
    • British Register 104
    • British ships belonging to port of registry 99
    • constructive total loss 97
    • Exception 1 to Dicey's Rule 101, 104
    • facts 99
    • foreign judgment in rem 100101
    • issues for determination 98
    • lex situs 9899, 101
    • notice of abandonment 97
    • registered transfers of proprietary interests 98, 102105
    • renvoi 99, 103
    • transaction defrauding creditors 103
  • Wilful misconduct, guilty of 292
  • Wrongful arrest 244, 333, 363, 591

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