
Compliance Monitor

Bullying and harassment top non-financial misconduct complaints

Research by the regulator has highlighted a seeming increase in reporting of poor behaviour, yet offenders rarely receive severe consequences such as pay adjustments, dismissal or mention in a regulatory reference. Denis O'Connor dissects the data.

The Financial Conduct Authority recently published the results of a survey of 1,028 firms in the investment banking, institutional broking and wholesale insurance sectors, which showed that non-financial misconduct (NFMC) allegations rose by 72 per cent between 2021 and 2023. [1] The survey revealed that over the three-year period, allegations of bullying and harassment rose by 26 per cent, while discrimination complaints rose by 23 per cent and 'other' types of NFMC rose by 41 per cent. Interpretation of the findings is difficult as they may represent a genuine increase in the number of incidents and/or the results could be due to the 'victims' having more confidence in their firms' reporting and disciplinary systems without any underlying upturn in incidents.

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