
Building Law Monthly


D. CHAPPELL PARRIS’s STANDARD FORM OF BUILDING CONTRACT (3rd edn, 2002), Blackwell Publishing, 332 pages + tables and index. Hardback £49.50.

The appearance of the third edition of this book will be widely welcomed in the construction industry. Appearing some 17 years after the second edition, and under the editorship of Mr Chappell, the book maintains the standard set by the original author, the late John Parris. It is written in a conversational style and is not short on opinions. It is to be used as a first port rather than a last port of call. It is no substitute for the standard reference works where the law is set out in clearer and more accurate terms (albeit in a less entertaining style). The book will be particularly useful for non-lawyers who wish to gain an understanding of JCT 98 in its various forms.

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