Cartner on the International Law of the Shipmaster : On the new command at sea
Page 201
The Duty to Public Authority: The Regulatory Regime of Command at Sea
The Duty to Public Authority: The Regulatory Regime of Command at Sea
“A [M]after of a Vessel is no more than one, who for his [or her] knowledge in Navigation, fidelity and difcretion, hath the Government of the Vessel committed to his or her care and management, and by the Common Law, by which properties are to be guided, he [or she] hath no Property either general or fpecial, by the conftituting of him [or her] a Mafter; yet the Law looks upon him [or her] as an Officer, who muft render and give an account for the whole charge, when once commited to his [or her] care and cuftody; and upon failure to render fatifaction; and therefore misfortune happen, if he [or she] either be through negligence, willfulnefs, or ignorance of himfelf [or herself] or his [or her} Mariners, he [or she] muft be refponfible.”