
FIDIC Contracts in Africa and the Middle East

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Term Meaning Defined in section Term Meaning Defined in section 1977 Red Book FIDIC1 Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction – Third Edition 1977. 1.3.1 1987 Red Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction – Fourth Edition 1987. 1.3.1 1987 Yellow Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works – Third Edition 1987. 1.3.1 1995 Orange Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey – First Edition 1995. 1.3.1 1999 Red Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction – First Edition 1999. 1.3.1 1999 Silver Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects – First Edition 1999. 1.3.1 1999 Yellow Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build – First Edition 1999. 1.3.1 2017 Red Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction – Second Edition 2017. 1.3.1 2017 Silver Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects – Second Edition 2017. 1.3.1 2017 Yellow Book FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build – Second Edition 2017. 1.3.1 AAK Architectural Association of Kenya. 8.2.10 Abrahamson Principles Principles of fair and balanced risk allocation, articulated in Max W Abrahamson, ‘Risk Management’ (1983) International Construction Law Review 241, 244. 2.4 Accepted Contract Amount FIDIC definition (Red,2 Pink, Yellow,3 Gold and Emerald Books). FIDIC GCs ADCCAC Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre. 12.2.11 ADGM Abu Dhabi Global Market. 12.1.2 adhesion contract A contract in which its essential clauses are imposed or are drafted by one party, by a third person especially for a party or as a result of its instructions, the other party having only the possibility to accept the contract as such. ADIO Abu Dhabi Investment Office. 12.2.8 ADM Abu Dhabi Municipality. 12.3.1 ADR Alternative dispute resolution – alternative to resolution by litigation in court. Advance Payment Certificate FIDIC definition (2017 Red, 2017 Yellow and Emerald Books). FIDIC GCs Advance Payment Guarantee FIDIC definition (2017 Red, 2017 Yellow, 2017 Silver4 and Emerald Books). FIDIC GCs AEC Architecture, engineering and construction. 8.2.6 AfDB African Development Bank. 9.2.1 AFSA Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa. 13.6.1 AI Artificial intelligence. 11.2.6 AIPEX Foreign Investment Regulator (Angola). 4.2.3 amiable compositeur An arbitrator acting as amiable compositeur is not bound by strict rules of law but is entitled to decide according to their subjective sense of what is fair and just (equitably) without strict regard to the rules of law that would otherwise apply. See also ex aequo et bono. 13.4.2 ANPG National Concessionaire Angolan Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels. 4.2.8 AOA The symbol for Kwanza, the currency of Angola. 4.2.1 APIL Angolan Private Investment Law. 4.1.2 Appendix to Tender FIDIC definition (1987 Red, 1999 Red and 1999 Yellow Books). FIDIC GCs ARCON Architects Registration Council of Nigeria. 9.2.3 ATCEA Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects. Bank FIDIC definition (Pink Book). FIDIC GCs Base Date FIDIC definition (Red, Pink, Yellow, Silver, Gold and Emerald Books). FIDIC GCs BaTCoDA Building and Transport Construction Design Authority (Ethiopia) 6.2.9 BDS Bid Data Sheet. 6.4.2 Bill of Quantities FIDIC definition (1987 Red, Red, Pink and Emerald Books). FIDIC GCs BIM Building information modelling or building information management. 5.8 Blue-Green Book FIDIC Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works – First Edition 2006, Second Edition 2016. 1.3.1 bonos mores Good manners (Latin). BoQ Bill of quantities. BORAQS Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Kenya). Borrower FIDIC definition (Pink Book). FIDIC GCs BOT Build-Operate-Transfer. 8.2.10 BPP Bureau of Public Procurement (Nigeria). 9.2.3 CAGR Compound annual growth rate. 5.2.1 CAR insurance Construction All Risks insurance or Contractor's All Risk insurance. 7.2.9


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