The Ratification of Maritime Conventions
Chapter I.3.51
ADOPTED: On 12 October 1971, the Assembly adopted by resolution A.231 (VII) amendments to the Convention, in accordance with article XXIX(iii). The Secretary General communicated to the Parties to the Convention for acceptance the texts of the amendments on 12 June 1972 in Note Verbale A1/G/2.07 (NV.1). In his Note he drew particular attention to the Assembly’s invitation to all Governments concerned to accept the amendments at the earliest possible date.
ENTERED INTO FORCE: Not yet in force
Article XXIX
3. Amendment after consideration in the Organisation:
- (a) Upon the request of a Contracting Government, any amendment proposed by it to the present Convention will be considered in the Organisation. If adopted by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organisation, such amendment shall be communicated to all Members of the Organisation and all Contracting Governments at least six months prior to its consideration by the Assembly of the Organisation.
- (b) If adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting in the Assembly, the amendment shall be communicated by the Organisation to all Contracting Governments for their acceptance.
- (c) Such amendment shall come into force twelve months after the date on which it is accepted by two-thirds of the Contracting Governments. The amendment shall come into force with respect to all Contracting Governments except those which, before it comes into force, make a declaration that they do not accept the amendment.
- (d) The Assembly, by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, including two-thirds of the Governments represented on the Maritime Safety Committee and present and voting in the Assembly, may propose a determination at the time of its adoption that an amendment is of such an important nature that any Contracting Government which makes a declaration under sub-paragraph (c), and which does not accept the amendment within a period of twelve months after it comes into force, shall cease to be a party to the present Convention upon expiry of that period. This determination shall be subject to the prior acceptance of two-thirds of the Contracting Governments to the present Convention.
- (e) Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the Contracting Government which first proposed action under this paragraph on an amendment to the present Convention from taking at any time such alternative action as it deems desirable in accordance with paragraph (2) or (4) of this Article.
Germany, Federal Republic of
The instrument of acceptance was accompanied by the following declaration:
“that the said amendments shall also apply to Berlin (West) with effect from the day on which they enter
Saudi Arabia
The instrument of acceptance contained the following declaration (in the Arabic language):
[translation] “This ratification, however, does not carry in any way any implication of recognition of Israel, nor does it lead to any dealings with Israel within the arrangements of the International Maritime Organization.”