
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter

Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines v. Zannis Compania Naviera S.A. - Q.B.D. (Com.Ct.) (Hobhouse J.) - 9 October 1990

In 1983 the vessel was chartered on the Gencon form for the carriage of a cargo from Scandinavia to Bandar Khomeini. The charterparty provided: “War risk insurance, blocking and trapping, insurance, crew bonuses, to be for owners’..
Online Published Date:  29 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  291 - 29 December 1990

Atlas Maritime Co. S.A. v. Avalon Maritime Ltd. (The Coral Rose) - Court of Appeal (Neill, Stocker & Staughton L.J.J. -

21 November 1990 In October 1987 Avalon purchased the vessel Coral Rose. Avalon had been incorporated in Gibraltar on 2 October 1986 and was purchased by a subsidiary company of Marc Rich for the specific purpose of purchasing the Coral Rose . The..
Online Published Date:  29 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  291 - 29 December 1990

Franco Duval Ltd. v. The owners of the Vitali II - Federal High Court (Muhammad J.) -

20 August 1990 The plaintiffs brought an ex parte motion for the arrest of the vessel Vitali II . In their affidavit sworn in support of the motion the plaintiffs deposed that the vessel was disponently owned by I.C.O.S. of Antwerp. The Court..
Online Published Date:  29 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  291 - 29 December 1990

Oceansky Co. Ltd. v. Hugo Neu & Sons Inc. (The Antalya) - Before R. Glenn Bauer, Lloyd C. Nelson and Klaus C.J. Mordhorst - S.M.A. 2595 (5 September 1989)

The vessel Antalya was chartered on the Gencon form for the carriage of a cargo of shredded scrap from Boston_New York range to West Coast India. Clause 21 of the charterparty provided that the charterers were to declare the discharge port latest..
Online Published Date:  29 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  291 - 29 December 1990

Ultramar Shipping Co. Inc. v. The Embassy of Pakistan (The Ultramar) - S.M.A. Award No. 2678 (26 June 1990)

The vessel was chartered on a Baltimore Berth Grain Form C for the carriage of a cargo of wheat from the United States West Coast to Karachi. A dispute arose as to laytime at Karachi. The charterers contended that 6 hours of each day should be..
Online Published Date:  29 December 1990
Appeared in issue:  291 - 29 December 1990

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