
Construction Industry Law Letter


This month, CILL is departing from its normal contents and structure somewhat by only commenting on one case, Birse Construction v Haiste , in some depth. The rest of this month’s issue consists of a round-up of other cases decided during..
Online Published Date:  01 December 1995


INTRODUCTION During 1995 CILL has reported over 30 cases on our usual basis of including extracts from the judgments. In selecting those cases, we have tried to choose the cases with the most direct importance in the area of construction law, but..
Online Published Date:  01 December 1995

CONSTRUCTION LAW YEARBOOK 1995, General Editors: John Uff QC and Stephen Furst QC, Wiley, 463 pages, £60

We reviewed the first in this series of publications - the Construction Law Yearbook 1994 - in September 1994 (CILL page 971). This second issue follows the same general format, including articles by Professor Michael Furmston on the uses of..
Online Published Date:  01 December 1995


The representative details attributed to J F Finnegan Ltd and Community Housing Association Ltd on page 1108 of last month’s CILL were transposed. Andrew Bartlett QC and Ralph Wynn-Griffiths in fact represented Community Housing Association..
Online Published Date:  01 December 1995


His Honour Judge Humphrey Lloyd QC has delivered judgment in Vascroft v Seeboard , in which he considers the efficacy of the consent to appeal in JCT contacts and the effect of clause 14 of DOM/2. It is proposed to report the decision in the..
Online Published Date:  01 December 1995

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