

Name Type of Legislation Practice Area
Name Administration of Justice Act 1960 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Arbitration Act 1996 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Civil Evidence Act 1995 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Civil Procedure Rules 1998 Type of legislation Statutory Instruments Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Companies Act 2006 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC), 1976 Type of legislation International Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 2000/26/EEC (Fourth Motor Insurance Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 2002/92/EC (Insurance Mediation Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 2009/103/EC (Consolidated Motor Insurance Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 72/166/EEC (First Motor Insurance Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 84/5/EEC (Second Motor Insurance Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 87/344/EEC (Legal Expenses Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 90/232/EEC (Third Motor Insurance Directive) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998 Type of legislation Statutory Instruments Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Human Rights Act 1998 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Insolvency Act 1986 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Insurance Act 2015 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Limitation Act 1980 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Marine Insurance Act 1906 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Merchant Shipping Act 1995 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) (Information Centre and Compensation Body) Regulations 2003 Type of legislation Statutory Instruments Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Regulation (EC) 593/2008 (Rome I Regulation) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 (Brussels Regulation) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Regulation 1215/2012/EU (Brussels Regulation Recast) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Regulation No 864/2007/EC (Rome I Regulation) Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 Type of legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Riot (Damages) Act 1886 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Road Traffic Act 1930 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Road Traffic Act 1988 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Sale of Goods Act 1979 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Senior Courts Act 1981 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Solicitors Act 1974 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name TFEU 1957 Type of legislation European Legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Law Applicable to Contracts of Insurance) Regulations 2001 Type of legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 Type of legislation Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 1930 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 Type of legislation Statutes Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance
Name Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 Type of legislation Statutory Instruments Practice Area Insurance and Reinsurance

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